[LyX/master] C++11 compilation fix

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at lyx.org
Wed Dec 7 16:31:23 UTC 2022

Le 07/12/2022 à 17:21, Richard Kimberly Heck a écrit :
> On 12/7/22 11:04, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> Le 06/12/2022 à 16:17, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
>>> commit f3f478c2fbcf89302ccadeb30aac413a40039d12
>>> Author: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgouttes at lyx.org>
>>> Date:   Tue Dec 6 17:12:45 2022 +0100
>>>      C++11 compilation fix
>>>       for (iter = refs_.begin(); iter != refs_.end(); ++iter) {
>>>           // first: plain label name, second: gui name
>>>           QString const lab = toqstr((*iter).first);
>>> -        refsNames.append(QPair(lab, toqstr((*iter).second)));
>>> +        refsNames.append({lab, toqstr((*iter).second)});
>> This elicited the answer "Huh?" from Jürgen, but sent to the lyx-cvs 
>> list, so only Riki and I saw it.
>> Could I have a authoritative answer to the question whether a 
>> constructor like QPair(a, b) can be replaced with {a, b} when the 
>> context is clear enough?
>> I notice that we use that already, but I may be wrong about when it is 
>> acceptable.
> I don't have a strong view about this. It seems to me a case where, if 
> you're not used to it, it will look weird. That said, the {a,b} 
> construction is less explicit.

Right, but we are supposed to use something like QPair<SQtring, 
QString>(a,b), which is awfully explicit.


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