Advanced find does not search in deactivated branches

Jürgen Spitzmüller spitz at
Sat Apr 30 09:07:19 UTC 2022

Am Samstag, dem 30.04.2022 um 10:42 +0200 schrieb Kornel Benko:
> Apparently the search needs some more description.
> Make a testcase:
> Document lang = German
> Insert 'aaaaaaaaa'
> select some 'a' and change its lang to English
> Open findadv dialog
> insert 'a'
> find ...
> 	You will see, that the English 'a' is not found
> Open Settings in findadv
> check 'Language'
> find again
> 	Each 'a' is found
> The difference between
> 1 unchecked 'Ignore formatting'
> 	and
> 2 checked 'Ignore formatting' _and_ checked all
> should be only the search speed. Unchecked 'Ignore formatting' is way
> faster.

I see, this relates to the formatting in the search window, not the
formatting in the document. How odd. I would have expected:

write in the document

test <bold>test</bold> test

search for "test" will only find the first and third occurrence unless
ignore formatting > Font shape is checked.

I have to think about how to name and describe the current behavior in
a away that users actually understand what it does.

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