[LyX/master] Improved Qt framework configuration detection on macOS, add support for Qt6

Stephan Witt st.witt at gmx.net
Mon Oct 25 14:52:32 UTC 2021

Am 25.10.2021 um 13:04 schrieb Kornel Benko <kornel at lyx.org>:
> Am Mon, 25 Oct 2021 12:13:49 +0200
> schrieb Stephan Witt <st.witt at gmx.net>:
>> Am 25.10.2021 um 11:23 schrieb Kornel Benko <kornel at lyx.org>:
>>> Am Mon, 25 Oct 2021 10:34:00 +0200
>>> schrieb Stephan Witt <st.witt at gmx.net>:
>>>> Am 25.10.2021 um 10:30 schrieb Kornel Benko <kornel at lyx.org>:  
>>>>> Am Sun, 24 Oct 2021 21:19:37 +0200 (CEST)
>>>>> schrieb Stephan Witt <switt at lyx.org>:
>>>>>> commit aabe9e8b11b73d57d22893f5889ebee9dd97efe5
>>>>>> Author: Stephan Witt <switt at lyx.org>
>>>>>> Date:   Sun Oct 24 21:41:11 2021 +0200
>>>>>>  Improved Qt framework configuration detection on macOS, add support for Qt6    
>>>>> Nothing needed for cmake?    
>>>> I’ll check. That’s not my priority - I don’t know how to build a package for LyX with
>>>> cmake.
>>>> BR, Stephan  
>>> It should work with
>>> 	$ cmake <lyx-source-path> -DLYX_CPACK:BOOL=ON ...
>>> There should be created a new target 'package'.
>>> For example under debian-linux one could use
>>> 	$ cmake <lyx-source-path> -DLYX_CPACK:BOOL=ON -DCPACK_BINARY_DEB:BOOL=ON
>>> 	$ make package  
>> Yes, that’s the theory.
>> In practice it never worked on Mac. I’m using cmake to generate a Xcode project to
>> debug the LyX code.
>> ATM it doesn’t work on the new Mac server I’m using. The error message is as follows:
>> ===========
>> CMake Error in src/tex2lyx/CMakeLists.txt:
>>  The custom command generating
>>    /Users/lyx/Development/lyx-build/cmake/2.4.0dev/src/tex2lyx/test/Tex2lyxFilesUpdated
>>  is attached to multiple targets:
>>    cleanupdatetex2lyxtests
>>    updatetex2lyxtests
>>  but none of these is a common dependency of the other(s).  This is not
>>  allowed by the Xcode "new build system“.
>> ===========
>> This error message is presented for every CMakeLists.txt file in LyX’s tree.
>> Stephan
> Does removing line src/tex2lyx/test/CMakeLists.txt:91 help?
> 	DEPENDS ${_tex2lyx} ${_lyx}
> If that is the case we have to figure out how to allow this dependency.


$ time cmake ...
real	6m31.442s
user	1m24.341s
sys	0m21.489s

This is a real fast system. But it’s horrible slow.

The change to cure the error above is to delete (or comment) lines 94 and 95:

updatetex2lyxtests DEPENDS Tex2lyxFilesUpdated

But the build fails with the errors in attached log.

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