Weird compile result -- bug?

Jürgen Spitzmüller spitz at
Fri Oct 15 16:34:24 UTC 2021

Am Freitag, dem 15.10.2021 um 11:51 -0400 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
> Over on the user list, there's a lengthy thread (actually set of 
> threads) triggered by user Rich Shepard trying to compile a report
> whose 
> bibliography stubbornly refused to appear. Rich was using biblatex. 
> After copies trial and error, Rich got the report to work, but with
> no 
> explanation why.
> I was beating on a copy of it (which I am not at liberty to share)
> and 
> discovered that if made any non-fatal change to the preamble, the 
> bibliography would show up. In particular, just adding \usepackage{} 
> (with the argument deliberately empty) to the preamble in LyX coaxed
> the 
> bibliography to show up.
> Comparing the .tex files that LyX exported with and without the 
> \usepackage{} command, I discovered two changes. One of course was
> the 
> inclusion of \usepackage{}. The other was that 
> \usepackage[style=authoryear]{biblatex} in the original document
> morphed 
> into \usepackage[style=authoryear,backend=bibtex8]{biblatex} in the 
> modified document.
> So I went to the original document and, in the bibliography settings,
> changed the processor option from default to bibtex8, and sure enough
> the original compiled correctly.
> I'm not sure if this is a bug or something the user is responsible
> for 
> knowing (it was news to me, but I never use biblatex). So I'm
> reporting 
> it here to let wiser minds decide.

Undecidable without a MWE.


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