Setting up a development env on macOS big sur (M1)

Stephan Witt st.witt at
Thu Oct 14 14:44:01 UTC 2021

Am 14.10.2021 um 16:38 schrieb Nusret BALCI <nusretbalci at>:
> Hi there,
> How can I set up my development environment to be able to compile a git cloned lyx sourcecode directory? 
> I have XCode installed. My OS is Big Sur. I installed Homebrew and autotools. I downloaded QT 6.2 (official release from Qt). I run autogen, then configure script. But I am not sure what command line arguments I should pass and although I pass the bin directory of the Qt installation (6.2.0) it cannot find Qt. So I can't even start. Anyone willing to help or share their build command?
> Best regards,
> Nusret

Hi Nusret,

I’m building LyX regularly on Mac on Mojave and sometimes on Big Sur. I never did it with the binary distribution of Qt. I’m always using the Qt source package.

I’m not at home and cannot tell you more details - but I’ll do it later.

Best regards,

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