Anyone on TeX Live 2021 pretest ? (to confirm a regression for ja LilyPond)

Kornel Benko kornel at
Sat May 22 14:33:19 UTC 2021

Am Sat, 22 May 2021 16:07:17 +0200
schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller <spitz at>:

> Am Samstag, dem 22.05.2021 um 15:13 +0200 schrieb Kornel Benko:
> > > what is the behavior on the released TexLive 2021?  
> > 
> > Still same. Does not compile due to error from dvipdfmx.  
> The issue I have linked to has been fixed, so this must be something
> else and should be reported to the dvipdfmx list.
> Jürgen

Fine. But how to explain that running with 2020-dvipdfmx compiles on TL20,
but the same dvipdfmx (copied from TL20) fails if using TL20 env.

From the POV of dvipdfmx devels, the input-data changed somehow.
That makes it not unlikely that also platex creates wrong output.

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