Dynamic insets

Jean-Pierre Chrétien jeanpierre.chretien at free.fr
Mon May 17 14:07:10 UTC 2021

Dear Developers

Following a discussion on lyx-docs about the Text Style menu, I g=have a couple 
of questions about the dynamic insets feature.

First of all, the advantages of such a feature, as far as menus are concerned, 
is twofold:
  A/ the menu names appears translated in the UI language when the reader opens 
a manual;
  B/ any change in the po file is corrected automagically in the docs.

Initially I thought that the translation in the language of the UI should not 
appear in the pdf export, but I understood that it was easy to create a PDF in 
English by changing the locale before calling LyX.

Then I wondered if the UI should be dynamic in the translated manuals, as a 
reader of the e.g. French manual will have the UI in French. But feature B 
remains an incentive to keep it dynamic there also. I'm not sure to have it a 
all places, I will check that.

Finally, it seems that not all menu entries appear in dynamic insets. What are 
exactly those which are liable to do so (the list in the inset parameters is not 
very explicit)? And is it done everywhere where it can be in the English docs? 
If not, is this a target to achieve?

As a conclusion, where is the dynamic inset feature documented? I do not 
remember to have translated it.


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