[LyX/master] Allow compiling with Qt6

Andreas Nicolai andreas.nicolai at gmx.net
Tue Mar 16 07:15:24 UTC 2021

Hi Stephan,

Am 16.03.21 um 08:01 schrieb Stephan Witt:

> That’s interesting. My plan was to go with the LTS versions of Qt.
> So I had the plan to use either 5.9.x or 5.12.x. I noticed already
> the incompatibility of 5.12.x with El Capitan. What can you say
> about the pros and cons of Qt 5.11 versus Qt 5.12? Are you confident
> with 5.11?

To my knowledge, the changes from 5.11.3 to 5.12.8 (shipped with Ubuntu
20.04 LTS) are not really needed in our project. If I recall correctly,
there were a few bug fixes that we have and had workarounds for (and
keeps these around), but nothing critical. For example, setting the
header font (size) for QTableWidget won't work correctly on Linux in
older Qt versions, but that's not much of an issue. To my knowledge, the
API of the standard widget classes hasn't changed in those revisions -
so the code for Qt 5.12.8 should equally compile on 5.11.3.

Since we generally develop on Ubuntu (I myself with 18.04 lts, others
with 20.04 lts), we normally have code compiling fine across this range
of Qt versions. In addition, we have a Jenkins slave running on a Mac El
Capitan box - so any compile time issues appear right away and can be
fixed with  #if QT_VERSION > 0x050b00  checks.

One thing, though: the stylesheet support has improved a lot in the
later Qt versions, and some features are not yet available/working
correctly in 5.9.5... but it seems the way Lyx handles colors appears to
be working quite well, already.


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