Virtual meeting summary (2021-01-11)

José Abílio Matos jamatos at
Wed Jan 13 01:45:20 UTC 2021

  we have met virtually on Monday, 2021-01-11.

A short summary of the major points discussed can be found here:

For those who were not able to attend feel free to ask question if the summary 
is too terse.

Personally I think that the meeting was a success and part of it can be seen 
from the activity in this list towards the next stable release.

As Jean-Marc said the face-to-face meetings are more productive, when 
possible, but this has the advantage of bringing people from more places/time 
zones. :-)

I think that we should repeat this meeting (say in 6-8 weeks) in order to 
assess the evolution of the stable release. Anyone interested is welcome to 

Thanks to Pavel for chairing the meeting and for all the participants for IMHO 
a very productive meeting.

Best regards,
José Abílio

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