[LyX/master] Fix endless loop when breaking text

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at lyx.org
Fri Dec 10 07:21:32 UTC 2021

Le 10/12/2021 à 06:55, Richard Kimberly Heck a écrit :
> On 12/9/21 13:18, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> commit dcef1a9cad5173158e1aeef96bd4e57ad20a64ca
>> Author: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgouttes at lyx.org>
>> Date:   Thu Dec 9 16:43:16 2021 +0100
>>      Fix endless loop when breaking text
>>      For some reason, Qt can break strings before the first character
>>      (although we try to prevent that). The code was not prepared to 
>> that,
>>      now it is.
>>      Remove a forgotten debug statement.
> Is that one worth keeping, with the FONT debug key or something? It's 
> been useful once....

I had a dozen of those and by chance the particular bug triggered the 
only one I forgot to remove. It is not a problem to be in this code 
path, but it is not normal to be stuck in it.

I always add a lot of those when debugging.


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