LyX 2.4.0

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Fri Dec 10 05:52:35 UTC 2021

On 12/9/21 03:00, Daniel wrote:
> On 2021-12-07 23:04, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> On 12/6/21 22:00, Daniel wrote:
>>> On 2021-12-06 22:58, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>>>> Do you mean by "safe enough to include" that they should be more 
>>>>> or less done? For example, there were a couple of tickets where 
>>>>> you said that you take a look at while there were things that 
>>>>> needed to be done still. I take it that this is not going to 
>>>>> happen, right?
>>>> Safe as in: Not likely to cause bugs we need to solve before the 
>>>> release. Once we hit beta, we are in bug-fixing mode, and the fewer 
>>>> the better.
>>>> Riki
>>> Okay. (Though it is not what I have expected beta to be. I would 
>>> have thought that software in beta is actually "likely" to have bug 
>>> rather than unlikely. I would have thought the latter is release 
>>> candidate.)
>> Well, we know beta will have bugs---indeed, we know of some 
>> already---but the idea is that we do our best not to create new bugs 
>> at that point. New features bring new bugs. That's why beta release 
>> goes with feature freeze.
>> That said, at the moment we're talking about what will make it into 
>> beta, so some risk is all right.
>> Riki
> I have to do the tickets one by one. Should I post them here (with 
> reference) on the list, create a (temporary) meta bug with the list of 
> tickets, or just ping you on the tickets themselves?

Maybe assemble a list of them, and then post it here. I'll see it, I hope!

You could also add a 'triage' keyword to the bugs themselves. I've used 
that for this kind of purpose.


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