LyX 2.4.0

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Sun Dec 5 17:37:26 UTC 2021

On 12/2/21 02:42, Daniel wrote:
> On 2021-12-02 07:52, Daniel wrote:
>> On 2021-12-01 22:48, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> Things got a bit crazy again, but I now should have a bit of time. 
>>> Where do people think we stand with 2.4.0? I've seen a bit of 
>>> activity in the interim. Do we need to do one more alpha? Or should 
>>> we proceed directly to beta 1?
>>> What if anything needs to be done before we move to whatever the 
>>> next stage is?
>>> Riki
>> Here is a list of enhancements with patches targeted to 2.4.0. Many 
>> of them do not involve file format changes, so I guess they could 
>> wait. Unfortunately, I am not always sure whether a patch involves a 
>> format change or not. Maybe someone could check to be sure?
>> Daniel
> And here is the actual list: 

If things do not require format changes, they can always go into 2.4.x 
somewhere along the way.


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