LyX 2.4.0

Yuriy Skalko yuriy.skalko at
Thu Dec 2 10:39:04 UTC 2021

> Things got a bit crazy again, but I now should have a bit of time. Where do people think we stand with 2.4.0? I've seen a bit of activity in the interim. Do we need to do one more alpha? Or should we proceed directly to beta 1?
> What if anything needs to be done before we move to whatever the next stage is?
> Riki

I'm working on implementing branch expressions that was discussed here:
Seems like this can be done even without file format change, so it can 
go/backport to 2.4 later.

Also I support the "unpopular proposal" from Jean-Marc. LyX is 
frequently used for highly-structured documents with large insets and 
improvements in breakrows branch would be very desirable in new version.


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