Complex document compiles with 2.3.x but not with master

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at
Wed Sep 16 02:53:01 UTC 2020

On Tue, Sep 08, 2020 at 02:19:17PM -0400, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> The following command downloads a complex document and tries to compile
> it:
>   git clone '' && cd ThesisTemplate && lyx -e pdf2 Thesis.lyx
> It compiles with 2.3.x but not with master.
> The document is quite complex and contains a lot of ERT and Arabic. I'm
> not sure if the compilation error is due to the use of ERT. The error I
> get is:
>   illegal unit of measurement (pt inserted)
> master also gives a warning about different LaTeX input encodings.
> I currently don't have time to reduce this complex document to an MWE
> and investigate. If no one else gets to it though, I will do so
> eventually.
> Note that the document was last updated on GitHub just a couple of weeks
> ago, so I imagine the author would be available for questions if their
> feedback would be helpful.

Bisect leads to the following:

commit 4b0069860c4ac54aff09627582c6f5da7aa9020c
Author: Juergen Spitzmueller <spitz at>
Date:   Wed Aug 14 16:55:43 2019 +0200

    InsetGraphics: use totalheight for height output

Attached is an example file. It seems that lyx2lyx needs to add
"\textheight" (or whichever is selected) when moving the "height"
parameter to the custom LaTeX? Another difference I see and don't
understand is that the 2.3.x file outputs "keepaspectratio" even though
the box is not checked.

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