display of $int...$ under QT5

Enrico Forestieri forenr at lyx.org
Wed Sep 2 15:49:38 UTC 2020

On Wed, Sep 02, 2020 at 03:08:52PM +0200, Cor Blom wrote:
> Op 02-09-2020 om 14:39 schreef Enrico Forestieri:
> > As regards where to put the fonts, you have the choice of leaving
> > them where they are installed by lyx (and, at least on debian, lyx
> > is able to find and use them), or package them separately and
> > register them with fontconfig. In this case, they can also be used
> > by other packages.
> > 
> > I really have no idea why it does not work for you.
> My guess is: debian and fedora do not install texlive fonts in the default
> /usr/share/fonts directory. opensuse does. I can disable the texlive fonts
> and then all is working fine. If I don't there is a chance the wrong font is
> used.

I can confirm your guess. By making the texlive fonts available through
fontconfig I can reproduce all your results. Independently of whether
the debian package fonts-lyx is installed or not.

This definitely is a Qt issue, because the debug patch is still able to find
the right fonts. I don't think there is anything we can do. So, either choices
about where to put lyx fonts will work, provided that the texlive fonts
are left out from fontconfig management.


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