display of $int...$ under QT5

Enrico Forestieri forenr at lyx.org
Tue Sep 1 20:02:10 UTC 2020

On Tue, Sep 01, 2020 at 05:46:10PM +0200, Cor Blom wrote:
> Sorry to jump very late in this threat, only saw it today.
> I don't use LyX for math, so that part I don't know anything about, but I
> use openSUSE and maintain LyX there, so I am interested to get this right.
> By default I disable all texlive fonts for the UI by linking the
> 58-texlive-* config files in /etc/fonts/avail.d to /etc/fonts/conf.d (on
> openSUSE Tumbleweed the first directory is now in
> /usr/share/fontconfig/avail.d). As far as I can see the esint fonts are
> working nicely in LyX. Enabling those fonts by removing those 58-texlive-*
> files again by removing them from /etc/fonts/conf.d has the result that I
> see what Bernhart saw, I think.
> If the cause is how LyX is packaged in openSUSE, please file a bug in the
> openSUSE bugzilla. If it's mentioned here, the chance is I'll miss it.
> BTW: the LyX fonts are packaged in /usr/share/lyx/fonts and not linked in
> any way to /usr/share/fonts.

You have to make sure they are found by fontconfig. The fonts ditributed
with lyx have style "LyX" and can be discriminated that way, provided
that fontconfig can find them. LyX tries to add those fonts to the ones
managed by fontconfig through QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont() but,
seemingly, on linux this does not always work right.


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