Spellchecking dictionaries in LyX 2.4 installer

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at lyx.org
Fri Oct 30 23:09:02 UTC 2020

Le 30/10/2020 à 21:24, Stephan Witt a écrit :
> Am 30.10.2020 um 19:48 schrieb Yu Jin <yu_jin at lyx.org>:
> These make an additional disk size of approximately 246 MB if uncompressed.
> Fortunately the disk image can use a HFS+ feature: the files are compressed and so it's 50 MB in package and on target systems.
> I don’t know if something similar is possible on windows.

Can't hunspell read normal compressed files of some sort? It would be 
better (but obviously not as cool) than relying on the OS having some 
special feature.


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