he/Tutorial LuaTeX: strange error in terminal

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at lyx.org
Sat Oct 24 05:16:54 UTC 2020

This document compiles for me on an older system (with TL19) but on a
new installation and updated TL20, I now get an error and in the
terminal I see the following:

lualatex: ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/lang/texlang.c:986: hnj_hyphenation: Assertion `(((varmem[(wordstart)].hh.u.B1) & (1 << 0)) && !((varmem[(wordstart)].hh.u.B1) & (1 << 1) ) && !((varmem[(wordstart)].hh.u.B1) & (1 << 2) ))' failed.
support/Systemcall.cpp (291): Systemcall: 'lualatex "Tutorial.tex"' finished with exit code -1
Error: LaTeX failed

Can anyone reproduce the above on an updated TL20 system?

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