Manage counters

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Tue Oct 13 22:23:35 UTC 2020

On 10/13/20 12:00 PM, racoon wrote:
> On 2020-10-13 17:49, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> On 10/13/20 1:43 AM, Daniel wrote:
>>> On 2020-10-13 00:24, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>>> On 10/12/20 4:58 AM, Daniel wrote:
>>>>> I think it's nice to have the inset available but its use is limited
>>>>> for me. In particular, it seems not a feature to "directly" change
>>>>> the
>>>>> counter of numbered elements. Here is what I mean: Say, I want to
>>>>> change the counter of a Numbered list (enumerate). In the attached
>>>>> document I try to reset a Numbered list counter with the inset but it
>>>>> doesn't work. This is because `\setcounter` comes either too early
>>>>> (outside of the enumerate environment) or too late (after `\item`). I
>>>>> think to work, `\setcounter` should be added '''at the beginning or
>>>>> the line''' where the counter inset is added as in the attached tex
>>>>> document.
>>>> Scott pointed out the same issue. To make it work, you have to Insert>
>>>> List Preamble (an optional argument), and then you also have to modify
>>>> the layout for that argument to remove PassThru. (This is on the
>>>> list a
>>>> couple weeks back.) Otherwise, you can't insert insets but only bare
>>>> text. It's not ideal but it's also not clear what else to do.
>>>> Generally
>>>> removing PassThru seems wrong, since that's what one will ordinarily
>>>> want, I think.
>>> Somehow I could not get it to work by removing PassThru. But I suspect
>>> that the following two problems will remain:
>>> 1. The counter *in the Workarea* is not properly modified since the
>>> counter inset still comes after the list started.
>> That's likely true, but can probably be fixed somehow. I'll have to
>> investigate.

Actually, it turns out that doesn't work at all. Even if LyX accepts it,
it throws an error. To do this this way, we'd need another kind of 'list
argument', one without delimiters.


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