
Yuriy Skalko yuriy.skalko at
Mon Nov 2 18:50:06 UTC 2020

> I am very impressed :) If you feel like factoring more, you could have a look at splitting Counters/Counter into 3 classes:
> 1/2) the definitions, which belong to the textclass, and which should basically be accessed as const
> 3) the values of the counters, which can be a much more compact object which could later be cached when doing updateBuffer and friends.
> [at first, I though it was a source of mutable stuff, but it turns out I was wrong]
> JMarc


I'll check this stuff. By the way, is it related to numbered layouts 
that Daniel is now implementing on the bugtracker 
( I don't inadvertently want to 
break his results.

Now I've done some profiling and is interested looking into 
`updateMacros` that is one of the execution hotspots.


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