Shall we drop resources ?

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at
Fri May 15 09:10:01 UTC 2020

Le 14/05/2020 à 23:40, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
> Le 14/05/2020 à 22:29, Jean-Pierre Chrétien a écrit :
>> My computer uses mechanical drives all right, and runs an AMD 
>> biprocessor since 2009. Does it seem enough disabled for a test ? If 
>> so, what should I do exactly ?
> Very good platform. Apply this patch (which is work in progress but 
> should work) and recompile lyx in release mode.
> Then reboot your computer (to avoid caching of files), run LyX, create 
> new file, insert math equation (to have more icons) and exit.
> Note what is output on screen.
> Then in GuiApplication/iconName() and repalce the "#if 1" by "#if 0" 
> (see in the patch). Recompile, repeat the same measurement.
> Is this clear enough ?
> Note that there are other uses of the resources in the code, I am just 
> testing this particular path.

Try this one instead (do not worry, recompilation will be limited).

The difference is that is report time for getIcon (find and read icon) 
instead of iconName (find icon only).


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