Tweaking lib/symbols for XML entities
Thibaut Cuvelier
dourouc05 at
Thu May 14 19:10:15 UTC 2020
On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 20:40, Guenter Milde <milde at> wrote:
> Dear Thibaut,
> On 2020-05-10, Thibaut Cuvelier wrote:
> > In order to ensure a valid DocBook entity with math formulae, the MathML
> > generator must produce valid XML. Right now, it "only" produces valid
> > (which is already quite an achievement!). The difference is in the
> > entities: in HTML, you can use many entities, like ∑. This is no more
> > the case in XML, where you have to define all entities (that is, besides
> > <, >, &, ", '). A solution for DocBook would be to
> > define the needed entities in the XML document, but that would require
> > generating all math formulas, remembering the needed entities, then
> output
> > the mapping at the *beginning* of the XML document.
> Why don't you simply use Unicode literal characters?
Many of these characters require more than one UTF-8 character; is it
ensured to be read correctly? Right now, it's exclusively ASCII, so no
questions asked. Furthermore, XML processors are more used to have entities
rather than exotic characters; similarly, MathType uses this kind of
entities when exporting in MathML. When users display the XML document,
they must use a font that has all the needed characters, which is far from
> Günter
> --
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