Additions to documentation toolbar

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Sun May 3 17:07:27 UTC 2020

On 5/3/20 4:37 AM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
> On 3/05/2020 3:59 pm, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> On 5/1/20 1:22 AM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
>>> Dear LyX developers,
>>> I've been documenting a LaTeX program recently and have found the
>>> documentation toolbar useful, but this has highlighted a couple of
>>> symbols which could usefully be added to the toolbar. One is the
>>> section mark character § (\S in LaTeX), the other the pilcrow ¶  (\P).
>>> At present inserting these characters involves Insert > Special
>>> Character > Symbols and then locating the characters in the character
>>> table (which means scrolling down or increasing the depth of the
>>> dialogue window). They would fit perhaps after the information
>>> symbol `i'.
>>> Referring to chapter 4 or section 4.3 is fine but it begins to sound
>>> strained referring to subsection 4.3.2 and just silly referencing
>>> subsubsection On the other hand, referencing § is
>>> simple and elegant.
>> I'm not much up on toolbars, but I have:
>> \bind "C-M-S-s" "unicode-insert 0x00A7"
>> \bind "C-M-S-p" "unicode-insert 0x00B6"
>> in user.bind, which produce those two characters.
>> Riki
> Presumably you've added these yourself? 


> They're not in any of the .bind files that come with LyX as far as I
> can see. Rather than copy these as shortcuts, I've added
>     Item "§" "unicode-insert 0x00A7"
>     Item "¶" "unicode-insert 0x00B6"
> to the documentation toolbar in my personal copy of I
> won't have to remember the shortcuts that way. 

I don't have any view about whether these should be added to LyX's
version. Anyone?


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