New Windows Installers for Testing

Yu Jin technikmagma at
Wed Jun 10 10:35:00 UTC 2020

Am Mi., 10. Juni 2020 um 12:26 Uhr schrieb Enrico Forestieri <forenr at

> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 12:11:13PM +0200, Yu Jin wrote:
> > Am Mi., 10. Juni 2020 um 11:50 Uhr schrieb Enrico Forestieri <
> forenr at
> [...]
> > > I have MiKTeX configured so that to never install any packages when run
> > > as a normal user, but to always ask before installing packages when run
> > > as admin. In this way, packages are always installed for everyone.
> When I
> > > ran the installer it did not ask anything and simply installed
> everything.
> > >
> > Based on what I wrote above, this configuration isn't even possible if it
> > is the same windows account you are talking about, since MiKTeX always
> > considers *user *preferences. This would only be possible if you have a
> > separate admin account and set "ask me first" in the *user *preferences
> on
> > that account.
> Yes, I have a separate admin account and set "Ask me" in the *user*
> preferences on that account. Then, I always use an account (different from
> the previous one) with no admin privileges and set it to "Never install
> missing packages on-the-fly".
> When a package is required by a document (and I am willing to install it),
> I simply run lyx as administrator and answer yes when I am asked to install
> the missing package.

Then I have no explanation for this. I have tested all possible cases to
reproduce that but could not.

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