New Windows Installers for Testing

Yu Jin technikmagma at
Tue Jun 9 10:26:34 UTC 2020

Am Di., 9. Juni 2020 um 11:26 Uhr schrieb Yu Jin <technikmagma at>:

> Am Di., 9. Juni 2020 um 09:40 Uhr schrieb Andrew Parsloe <
> ajparsloe at>:
>> I've just installed LyX 2.3.5 on windows 10 with both the 32-bit
>> (59.7MB) installer and the 64-bit (51.7 MB) installer. Both installed
>> without any warning from windows, 64-bit to C:\Program Files\LyX 2.3 and
>> 32-bit to C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 2.3. Both run my current document
>> without any obvious problem.
> Ok, so it seems that you have installed the official installer (32 bit)
> and the betainstaller (64 bit), just to clarify.
>> It's very noticeable when looking at the directory structures of the two
>> installations that they are very different. Should this be the case?
> Yes, the official installer is cross-compiled on Linux (afaik), it uses
> other runtime libraries (e.g. libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll). The betainstaller on
> the other hand is natively compiled on Windows with Visual Studio, it uses
> Visual Studios runtime libraries (e.g. msvcp140.dll), so you will see
> different .dll files in the bin folder.
>> There seem to be a lot of redundancies. I've attached a screenshot of
>> the main directories in the two cases (main-dir.png). Many of the
>> sub-directories shown in the 64-bit installation are empty. The same
>> directories with contents are found under Resources.
> While reading the NSIS code, I never understood why the official installer
> does that, or if it is even the installer what does that in the first
> place. I mean you can open the installer with 7zip as an archive and you
> will see that these folders are not in there, so they must be created
> during the installation, but I can't tell what is responsible for it. Does
> anyone else have an idea here?
>> I've also attached a comparison of the bin directory in the two cases
>> (bin-folders.png). In this case most of the folders shown in the 32-bit
>> bin installation are empty duplicates of what is in Resources. Should
>> the .lst files be in this directory for the 32-bit installed LyX?
> Same here, I have no idea if they are needed and have not seen anything in
> the NSIS code related to these .lst files.
>> Under Resources, things seem to be the same except that the 32-bit has
>> the two files HunspellDictionaryNames.txt and
>> ThesaurusDictionaryNames.txt which aren't in the 64-bit installation
>> Resources.
> Yes, this is intended, the official installer does things related to
> dictionary downloads a little bit too complicated (it's getting old), I
> simplified them as NSIS allows more commands now, so that these 2 files are
> redundant. You will also notice that the betainstaller has more
> dictionaries/thesaurus languages available.

Well actually I have found the issue here, the files, which we see there
are supposed to be in the user dir
(C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.3), they are created by I have found the issue here, looks like the official
installer has a bug there and I have coded that bug too simply because I
did not know (just in another folder). Fix is attached, please commit
(message can be e.g.: Run in the user dir)

> Eugene
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