New 2.3.5-1 Tarballs

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Thu Jun 4 13:47:13 UTC 2020

On 6/4/20 2:38 AM, Yu Jin wrote:
> Am Mi., 3. Juni 2020 um 23:17 Uhr schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck
> <rikiheck at <mailto:rikiheck at>>:
>     Because of my screwup with the date and some missing example
>     files, we need to rebuild the binaries from new tarballs. I
>     decided to go ahead and rename the tarball, too, for safety.
>     The new tarballs are here:
>     as usual.
> I am not sure about the LyX version in these tarballs.

It should say, "2,3,5,1" I would think, but I'm not sure of the Windows
system here.

> Please find attached what a screenshot of lyx.rc says to me. Should I
> package it as "LyX-235-Installer-2..." or "LyX-2351-Installer-2..."?

For now, let's label these differently from the 'official' installer, to
avoid confusion. So how about:


And then your NUMs can be as you wish.


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