Compiling and using master on macOS

Daniel xracoonx at
Wed Jul 15 05:53:02 UTC 2020

On 2020-07-13 04:02, Daniel wrote:
> On 2020-07-08 08:28, Stephan Witt wrote:
>> Am 07.07.2020 um 07:35 schrieb Daniel <xracoonx at>:
>>> On 2020-07-07 07:30, Daniel wrote:
>>>> On 2020-07-07 00:24, Stephan Witt wrote:
>>>>> I’ve made a protocol of the steps I took to build the package on a 
>>>>> new system. See the attached log. Probably the crucial thing is the 
>>>>> script.
>>>>> I’m used to configure and build LyX out of source. I have a working 
>>>>> directory with one or more versions of LyX source code and a 
>>>>> directory lyx-build for the results. For Qt I have a source 
>>>>> directory and an install target in parallel, the build directory is 
>>>>> in lyx-build.
>>>>> $ ls /Users/Shared/LyX
>>>>> lyx- (source)
>>>>> lyx- (source)
>>>>> lyx-build (directory)
>>>>> qt-5.9.9-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64  (QTDIR for 5.9.9)
>>>>> qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.9 (source)
> configure: error: cannot compile a simple Qt executable. Check you have 
> the right $QTDIR.
> (Where <user-dir> is my user directory.) Seems as if my Qt install was 
> not correct. It created a bunch of stuff in
> ~/Qt/5.9.9/clang_64
> But I am not sure that is what is needed. During the installation I chose
> Qt > Qt 5.9.9 > macOS

Maybe the problem is that I am using the install version of Qt? You 
mention a "qt-5.9.9-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64  (QTDIR for 5.9.9)" and 
"qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.9 (source)". Where do I get these 
from? What is the Qt source needed for?

I have added the Qt sources via the installer but that didn't help 
either. It does not matter whether I use any of these


I can build the Qt example apps via Qt designer.

Does anyone have a further idea what might be going on?


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