Layout list WYSIWYM

Daniel xracoonx at
Mon Aug 17 11:58:14 UTC 2020

On 14/4/20 9:23, Daniel wrote:
> If I read correctly, then drop-down list items can be styled in Qt. I 
> think it would look awesome and, more importantly, enhance finding items 
> if the layout list would provide some of the WYSIWYM styles from the 
> work area. I'd suggest font attributes and labeling.
> Attached is a mock-up of what this might look like.

I have a question about the voting going on in a subthreat of this threat.

The choices are:

A. Include the change without way to opt-out
B. Include the change but only if it can be opted out
    (i.e., do not include it if it cannot be opted out)
C. Do not include the change

I take it that

1. Since the patch isn't finished yet, "the change" means "a change 
along the way of the current patch".

2. Since the discussion was about a GUI switch, "way top opt-out" means 
"GUI switch".

Is that right?

I haven't made up my mind yet, but I tend to prefer a GUI switch but 
would rather have the change included in some form than not. Should I 
vote A or B or is my preference not represented?

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