#10571: Tabs not showing properly in macOS full (and split) screen

Stephan Witt st.witt at gmx.net
Tue Aug 4 13:42:35 UTC 2020

Am 03.08.2020 um 23:45 schrieb Pavel Sanda <sanda at lyx.org>:
> On Sun, Aug 02, 2020 at 10:55:55AM +0200, Stephan Witt wrote:
>> Here is the current state of my patch to improve switch to/from full-screen.
>> It contains additional code to detect switch to/from window maximize state.
>> This is actually not used yet. On Mac it could be a possibility to implement
>> the switch to/from the state you???ve called ???focus mode???. That???s why I left it
>> as is ATM. The final patch will be without it and the maximize state can be done
>> later. For now I???d like to ask Pavel how this is different and/or managed on Linux.
>> Perhaps it doesn???t work the same way as on Mac.
> With this patch I don't see any loss of functionality for our innate fullscreen lfun
> and improvement with handling of WM's signal. Few strange differences remain (like
> the command buffer appearance mentioned earlier), but I consider the current patch
> as an improvement already  - so please go on.

Thank you for the test.
I’ve put it in with change https://www.lyx.org/trac/changeset/6dcd4ca4/lyxgit.

In GuiWorkArea::setFullScreen I simplified the code and closed a gap in code path.
The setFrameStyle calls were redundant.

> It would be good if someone on more standard linux environment like GNOME/KDE
> could test as well.

That would be good.


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