[LyX/master] Centralize code to markup deleted complex objects (with tikz) in output

Juergen Spitzmueller spitz at lyx.org
Sat Dec 28 12:27:32 UTC 2019

commit 89b5607e0ac8d616cbf0a27057e8f84a5e3ba650
Author: Juergen Spitzmueller <spitz at lyx.org>
Date:   Sat Dec 28 13:43:17 2019 +0100

    Centralize code to markup deleted complex objects (with tikz) in output
    This fixes #9293
 lib/chkconfig.ltx            |    1 +
 src/Changes.cpp              |   33 +++++++------
 src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp        |  102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/OutputParams.cpp         |    2 +-
 src/OutputParams.h           |   17 ++++++-
 src/Paragraph.cpp            |    9 +++-
 src/insets/Inset.h           |    3 +
 src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp    |   14 ++++--
 src/insets/InsetFloat.h      |    2 +
 src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp |    9 +---
 src/insets/InsetGraphics.h   |    2 +
 src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp |   52 ++++++++++++++++-----
 src/mathed/InsetMathHull.h   |    2 +
 src/tex2lyx/text.cpp         |    3 +-
 14 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/chkconfig.ltx b/lib/chkconfig.ltx
index 14230d4..b8f90f9 100644
--- a/lib/chkconfig.ltx
+++ b/lib/chkconfig.ltx
@@ -435,6 +435,7 @@
diff --git a/src/Changes.cpp b/src/Changes.cpp
index f7167a2..ed9205d 100644
--- a/src/Changes.cpp
+++ b/src/Changes.cpp
@@ -434,9 +434,11 @@ int Changes::latexMarkChange(otexstream & os, BufferParams const & bparams,
 			 || runparams.flavor == OutputParams::DVILUATEX);
 	if (oldChange.type != Change::UNCHANGED) {
-		// close \lyxadded or \lyxdeleted
-		os << '}';
-		column++;
+		if (oldChange.type != Change::DELETED || runparams.ctObject != OutputParams::CT_OMITOBJECT) {
+			// close \lyxadded or \lyxdeleted
+			os << '}';
+			column++;
+		}
 		if (oldChange.type == Change::DELETED
 		    && !runparams.wasDisplayMath && !dvipost)
@@ -449,9 +451,19 @@ int Changes::latexMarkChange(otexstream & os, BufferParams const & bparams,
 	docstring macro_beg;
 	if (change.type == Change::DELETED) {
-		macro_beg = from_ascii("\\lyxdeleted");
-		if (!runparams.inDisplayMath && !dvipost)
-			++runparams.inulemcmd;
+		if (runparams.ctObject == OutputParams::CT_OMITOBJECT)
+			return 0;
+		else if (runparams.ctObject == OutputParams::CT_OBJECT)
+			macro_beg = from_ascii("\\lyxobjdeleted");
+		else if (runparams.ctObject == OutputParams::CT_DISPLAYOBJECT)
+			macro_beg = from_ascii("\\lyxdisplayobjdeleted");
+		else if (runparams.ctObject == OutputParams::CT_UDISPLAYOBJECT)
+			macro_beg = from_ascii("\\lyxudisplayobjdeleted");
+		else {
+			macro_beg = from_ascii("\\lyxdeleted");
+			if (!runparams.inDisplayMath && !dvipost)
+				++runparams.inulemcmd;
+		}
 	else if (change.type == Change::INSERTED)
 		macro_beg = from_ascii("\\lyxadded");
@@ -460,15 +472,6 @@ int Changes::latexMarkChange(otexstream & os, BufferParams const & bparams,
 				       chgTime, runparams);
-	// signature needed by \lyxsout to correctly strike out display math
-	if (change.type == Change::DELETED && runparams.inDisplayMath
-	    && !dvipost) {
-		if (os.blankLine())
-			str += from_ascii("\\\\\\noindent\n");
-		else
-			str += from_ascii("\\\\\\\\\n");
-	}
 	os << str;
 	column += str.size();
diff --git a/src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp b/src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp
index d13c35d..e80fcbf 100644
--- a/src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp
+++ b/src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp
@@ -298,21 +298,83 @@ static docstring const changetracking_xcolor_ulem_hyperref_cb_def = from_ascii(
 static docstring const changetracking_tikz_object_sout_def = from_ascii(
 	"%% Strike out display math and text objects with tikz\n"
-	"\\usepackage{tikz}\n"
 	"  \\bgroup%\n"
 	"  \\color{lyxdeleted}%\n"
-	"  \\tikz[baseline=(obj.base)]{\n"
-	"    \\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt](obj){#1};\n"
-	"    \\draw($(obj.south west)+(2em,.5em)$)--($(obj.north east)-(2em,.5em)$);\n"
+	"  \\tikz{\n"
+	"    \\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt](lyxdelobj){#1};\n"
+	"    \\draw($(lyxdelobj.south west)+(2em,.5em)$)--($(lyxdelobj.north east)-(2em,.5em)$);\n"
 	"  }\n"
 	"  \\egroup%\n"
+static docstring const changetracking_xcolor_ulem_object_def = from_ascii(
+	"%% Change tracking with ulem and xcolor: ct markup for complex objects\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxobjdeleted}[4][]{\\lyxobjectsout{#4}}\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxdisplayobjdeleted}[4][]{\\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox{\\linewidth}{#4}}}\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxudisplayobjdeleted}[4][]{%\n"
+	"     \\raisebox{-\\belowdisplayshortskip}{%\n"
+	"                \\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox[b]{\\linewidth}{#4}}}%\n"
+	"}\n");
+static docstring const changetracking_xcolor_ulem_cb_object_def = from_ascii(
+	"%% Change tracking with ulem, xcolor and changebars:ct markup for complex objects\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxobjdeleted}[4][]{%\n"
+	"    \\protect\\cbstart\\lyxobjectsout{#4}%\n"
+	"    \\protect\\cbend%\n"
+	"}\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxdisplayobjdeleted}[4][]{%\n"
+	"    \\protect\\cbstart%\n"
+	"    \\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox{\\linewidth}{#4}}%\n"
+	"    \\protect\\cbend%\n"
+	"}\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxudisplayobjdeleted}[4][]{%\n"
+	"    \\raisebox{-\\belowdisplayshortskip}{%\n"
+	"               \\protect\\cbstart%\n"
+	"               \\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox[b]{\\linewidth}{#4}}}%\n"
+	"               \\protect\\cbend%\n"
+	"}\n");
+static docstring const changetracking_xcolor_ulem_hyperref_object_def = from_ascii(
+	"%% Change tracking with ulem, xcolor, and hyperref: ct markup for complex objects\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxobjdeleted}[4][]{\\texorpdfstring{\\lyxobjectsout{#4}}{}}\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxdisplayobjdeleted}[4][]{%\n"
+	"     \\texorpdfstring{\\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox{\\linewidth}{#4}}}{}%\n"
+	"}\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxudisplayobjdeleted}[4][]{%\n"
+	"     \\texorpdfstring{\\raisebox{-\\belowdisplayshortskip}{%\n"
+	"                \\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox[b]{\\linewidth}{#4}}}}{}%\n"
+	"}\n");
+static docstring const changetracking_xcolor_ulem_hyperref_cb_object_def = from_ascii(
+	"%% Change tracking with ulem, xcolor, hyperref and changebars:\n"
+	"%% ct markup for complex objects\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxobjdeleted}[4][]{%\n"
+	"    \\texorpdfstring{\\protect\\cbstart\\lyxobjectsout{#4}%\n"
+	"    \\protect\\cbend}{}%\n"
+	"}\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxdisplayobjdeleted}[4][]{%\n"
+	"     \\texorpdfstring{\\protect\\cbstart%\n"
+	"        \\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox{\\linewidth}{#4}}%\n"
+	"        \\protect\\cbend%\n"
+	"      }{}%\n"
+	"}\n"
+	"\\DeclareRobustCommand{\\lyxudisplayobjdeleted}[4][]{%\n"
+	"     \\texorpdfstring{\\protect\\cbstart%\n"
+	"        \\raisebox{-\\belowdisplayshortskip}{%\n"
+	"                   \\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox[b]{\\linewidth}{#4}}%\n"
+	"        }%\n"
+	"     }{}%\n"
+	"}\n");
 static docstring const changetracking_none_def = from_ascii(
+	"%% Change tracking: Disable markup in output\n"
-	"\\newcommand{\\lyxdeleted}[3]{}\n");
+	"\\newcommand{\\lyxdeleted}[3]{}\n"
+	"\\newcommand{\\lyxobjdeleted}[3]{}\n"
+	"\\newcommand{\\lyxdisplayobjdeleted}[3]{}\n"
+	"\\newcommand{\\lyxudisplayobjdeleted}[3]{}\n");
 static docstring const textgreek_LGR_def = from_ascii(
@@ -1089,6 +1151,7 @@ char const * simplefeatures[] = {
+	"tikz",
@@ -1695,8 +1758,35 @@ TexString LaTeXFeatures::getMacros() const
-	if (mustProvide("ct-tikz-object-sout"))
+	if (mustProvide("ct-tikz-object-sout")) {
+		if (!mustProvide("ct-xcolor-ulem")) {
+			streamsize const prec = macros.os().precision(2);
+			RGBColor cadd = rgbFromHexName(lcolor.getX11Name(Color_addedtext));
+			macros << "\\providecolor{lyxadded}{rgb}{"
+			       << cadd.r / 255.0 << ',' << cadd.g / 255.0 << ',' << cadd.b / 255.0 << "}\n";
+			RGBColor cdel = rgbFromHexName(lcolor.getX11Name(Color_deletedtext));
+			macros << "\\providecolor{lyxdeleted}{rgb}{"
+			       << cdel.r / 255.0 << ',' << cdel.g / 255.0 << ',' << cdel.b / 255.0 << "}\n";
+			macros.os().precision(prec);
+		}
 		macros << changetracking_tikz_object_sout_def;
+		if (isRequired("changebar")) {
+			if (isRequired("hyperref"))
+				macros << changetracking_xcolor_ulem_hyperref_cb_object_def;
+			else
+				macros << changetracking_xcolor_ulem_cb_object_def;
+		} else {
+			if (isRequired("hyperref"))
+				macros << changetracking_xcolor_ulem_hyperref_object_def;
+			else
+				macros << changetracking_xcolor_ulem_object_def;
+		}
+	}
 	if (mustProvide("ct-none"))
 		macros << changetracking_none_def;
diff --git a/src/OutputParams.cpp b/src/OutputParams.cpp
index de4b893..d26955e 100644
--- a/src/OutputParams.cpp
+++ b/src/OutputParams.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ OutputParams::OutputParams(Encoding const * enc)
 	  wasDisplayMath(false), inComment(false), openbtUnit(false), only_childbibs(false),
 	  inTableCell(NO), inFloat(NONFLOAT),
 	  inIndexEntry(false), inIPA(false), inDeletedInset(0),
-	  changeOfDeletedInset(Change::UNCHANGED),
+	  changeOfDeletedInset(Change::UNCHANGED), ctObject(CT_NORMAL),
 	  par_begin(0), par_end(0), lastid(-1), lastpos(0), isLastPar(false),
 	  dryrun(false), silent(false), pass_thru(false),
 	  html_disable_captions(false), html_in_par(false),
diff --git a/src/OutputParams.h b/src/OutputParams.h
index a2eb397..5503d8b 100644
--- a/src/OutputParams.h
+++ b/src/OutputParams.h
@@ -60,6 +60,14 @@ public:
+	enum CtObject {
+	};
 	OutputParams(Encoding const *);
@@ -272,14 +280,19 @@ public:
 	/** Whether we are inside an inset that is logically deleted.
 	 *  A value > 0 indicates a deleted inset.
-         */
+	*/
 	int inDeletedInset;
 	/** The change information of the outermost logically deleted inset.
 	 *  changeOfDeletedInset shall only be evaluated if inDeletedInset > 0.
-         */
+	*/
 	Change changeOfDeletedInset;
+	/** What kind of change tracking object is this?
+	 * Relevant for strikeout method in output
+	 */
+	mutable CtObject ctObject;
 	/** allow output of only part of the top-level paragraphs
 	 *  par_begin: beginning paragraph
diff --git a/src/Paragraph.cpp b/src/Paragraph.cpp
index 198705c..389b436 100644
--- a/src/Paragraph.cpp
+++ b/src/Paragraph.cpp
@@ -2477,9 +2477,14 @@ void Paragraph::latex(BufferParams const & bparams,
 		Change const & change = runparams.inDeletedInset
 			? runparams.changeOfDeletedInset : lookupChange(i);
+		char_type const c = d->text_[i];
 		// Check whether a display math inset follows
-		if (d->text_[i] == META_INSET
+		if (c == META_INSET
 		    && i >= start_pos && (end_pos == -1 || i < end_pos)) {
+			if (isDeleted(i))
+				runparams.ctObject = getInset(i)->CtObject(runparams);
 			InsetMath const * im = getInset(i)->asInsetMath();
 			if (im && im->asHullInset()
 			    && im->asHullInset()->outerDisplay()) {
@@ -2593,8 +2598,6 @@ void Paragraph::latex(BufferParams const & bparams,
-		char_type const c = d->text_[i];
 		// A display math inset inside an ulem command will be output
 		// as a box of width \linewidth, so we have to either disable
 		// indentation if the inset starts a paragraph, or start a new
diff --git a/src/insets/Inset.h b/src/insets/Inset.h
index 3f7178f..ae5af7c 100644
--- a/src/insets/Inset.h
+++ b/src/insets/Inset.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "InsetLayout.h"
 #include "LayoutEnums.h"
 #include "OutputEnums.h"
+#include "OutputParams.h"
 #include "support/strfwd.h"
 #include "support/types.h"
@@ -471,6 +472,8 @@ public:
 	/// does this inset try to use all available space (like \\hfill does)?
 	virtual bool isHfill() const { return false; }
+	virtual OutputParams::CtObject CtObject(OutputParams const &) const { return OutputParams::CT_NORMAL; }
 	enum DisplayType {
 		Inline = 0,
diff --git a/src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp b/src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp
index 7093541..5e1dd3d 100644
--- a/src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp
+++ b/src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp
@@ -322,8 +322,10 @@ void InsetFloat::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
 	if (features.inFloat())
-	if (features.inDeletedInset())
+	if (features.inDeletedInset()) {
+		features.require("tikz");
+	}
 	features.useFloat(params_.type, features.inFloat());
@@ -439,8 +441,12 @@ void InsetFloat::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams_in) const
 	os << '\n';
 	if (runparams.inDeletedInset) {
-		os << "\\lyxobjectsout{%" << breakln;
-		os << "\\parbox{\\linewidth}{%" << breakln;
+		// This has to be done manually since we need it inside the float
+		OutputParams::CtObject ctobject = runparams.ctObject;
+		runparams.ctObject = OutputParams::CT_DISPLAYOBJECT;
+		Changes::latexMarkChange(os, buffer().params(), Change(Change::UNCHANGED),
+					 Change(Change::DELETED), runparams);
+		runparams.ctObject = ctobject;
 	string alignment = getAlignment();
@@ -454,7 +460,7 @@ void InsetFloat::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams_in) const
 	InsetText::latex(os, runparams);
 	if (runparams.inDeletedInset)
-		os << "}}";
+		os << "}";
 	// Force \end{<floatname>} to appear in a new line.
 	os << breakln << "\\end{" << from_ascii(tmptype) << "}\n";
diff --git a/src/insets/InsetFloat.h b/src/insets/InsetFloat.h
index 734ba51..53c584c 100644
--- a/src/insets/InsetFloat.h
+++ b/src/insets/InsetFloat.h
@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ private:
 	TexString getCaption(OutputParams const &) const;
 	std::string getAlignment() const;
+	///
+	OutputParams::CtObject CtObject(OutputParams const &) const { return OutputParams::CT_OMITOBJECT; }
 	InsetFloatParams params_;
diff --git a/src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp b/src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp
index 27df512..92de4c0 100644
--- a/src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp
+++ b/src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp
@@ -858,11 +858,6 @@ void InsetGraphics::latex(otexstream & os,
 	if (runparams.moving_arg)
 		before += "\\protect";
-	if (runparams.inDeletedInset) {
-		before += "\\lyxobjectsout{";
-		after += "}";
-	}
 	// We never use the starred form, we use the "clip" option instead.
 	before += "\\includegraphics";
@@ -1141,8 +1136,10 @@ void InsetGraphics::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
 		if (contains(rel_file, "."))
-	if (features.inDeletedInset())
+	if (features.inDeletedInset()) {
+		features.require("tikz");
+	}
diff --git a/src/insets/InsetGraphics.h b/src/insets/InsetGraphics.h
index b5fc5c8..22d70b2 100644
--- a/src/insets/InsetGraphics.h
+++ b/src/insets/InsetGraphics.h
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ private:
 	/// \return the new filename, relative to the location of the HTML file,
 	/// or an empty string on error.
 	std::string prepareHTMLFile(OutputParams const & runparams) const;
+	///
+	OutputParams::CtObject CtObject(OutputParams const &) const { return OutputParams::CT_OBJECT; }
 	InsetGraphicsParams params_;
diff --git a/src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp b/src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp
index 8546a02..9d4c0e5 100644
--- a/src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp
+++ b/src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp
@@ -123,13 +123,10 @@ namespace {
 	// writes a preamble for underlined or struck out math display
 	void writeMathdisplayPreamble(WriteStream & os)
-		if (os.strikeoutMath()) {
-			if (os.ulemCmd() == WriteStream::UNDERLINE)
-				os << "\\raisebox{-\\belowdisplayshortskip}{"
-				      "\\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox[b]{\\linewidth}{";
-			else
-				os << "\\lyxobjectsout{\\parbox{\\linewidth}{";
-		} else if (os.ulemCmd() == WriteStream::UNDERLINE)
+		if (os.strikeoutMath())
+			return;
+		if (os.ulemCmd() == WriteStream::UNDERLINE)
 			os << "\\raisebox{-\\belowdisplayshortskip}{"
 		else if (os.ulemCmd() == WriteStream::STRIKEOUT)
@@ -140,11 +137,10 @@ namespace {
 	// writes a postamble for underlined or struck out math display
 	void writeMathdisplayPostamble(WriteStream & os)
-		if (os.strikeoutMath()) {
-			if (os.ulemCmd() == WriteStream::UNDERLINE)
-				os << "}";
-			os << "}}\\\\\n";
-		} else if (os.ulemCmd() == WriteStream::UNDERLINE)
+		if (os.strikeoutMath())
+			return;
+		if (os.ulemCmd() == WriteStream::UNDERLINE)
 			os << "}}\\\\\n";
 		else if (os.ulemCmd() == WriteStream::STRIKEOUT)
 			os << "}\\\\\n";
@@ -1104,6 +1100,7 @@ void InsetMathHull::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
 		} else if (outerDisplay() && features.inDeletedInset()
 			   && !features.mustProvide("ct-dvipost")) {
+				features.require("tikz");
@@ -1127,6 +1124,37 @@ void InsetMathHull::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
+OutputParams::CtObject InsetMathHull::CtObject(OutputParams const & runparams) const
+	OutputParams::CtObject res = OutputParams::CT_NORMAL;
+	switch(type_) {
+	case hullNone:
+	case hullSimple:
+	case hullAlignAt:
+	case hullXAlignAt:
+	case hullXXAlignAt:
+	case hullRegexp:
+	case hullUnknown:
+		break;
+	case hullEquation:
+	case hullEqnArray:
+	case hullAlign:
+	case hullFlAlign:
+	case hullGather:
+	case hullMultline: {
+		if (runparams.inulemcmd
+		    && (!runparams.local_font || runparams.local_font->fontInfo().strikeout() != FONT_ON))
+			res = OutputParams::CT_UDISPLAYOBJECT;
+		else
+			res = OutputParams::CT_DISPLAYOBJECT;
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+	return res;
 void InsetMathHull::header_write(WriteStream & os) const
 	bool n = numberedType();
diff --git a/src/mathed/InsetMathHull.h b/src/mathed/InsetMathHull.h
index c801a4f..672685d 100644
--- a/src/mathed/InsetMathHull.h
+++ b/src/mathed/InsetMathHull.h
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ public:
 	bool outerDisplay() const;
+	OutputParams::CtObject CtObject(OutputParams const &) const;
+	///
 	void validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const;
 	/// identifies HullInset
 	InsetMathHull const * asHullInset() const { return this; }
diff --git a/src/tex2lyx/text.cpp b/src/tex2lyx/text.cpp
index 626311f..8c0d73e 100644
--- a/src/tex2lyx/text.cpp
+++ b/src/tex2lyx/text.cpp
@@ -4051,7 +4051,8 @@ void parse_text(Parser & p, ostream & os, unsigned flags, bool outer,
-		if (t.cs() == "lyxadded" || t.cs() == "lyxdeleted") {
+		if (t.cs() == "lyxadded" || t.cs() == "lyxdeleted" || t.cs() == "lyxobjdeleted"
+		    || t.cs() == "lyxdisplayobjdeleted" || t.cs() == "lyxudisplayobjdeleted") {
 			string initials;
 			if (p.hasOpt()) {

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