[LyX/master] Add support for biblatex-chicago (#12240)
Juergen Spitzmueller
spitz at lyx.org
Tue Jul 9 13:19:14 UTC 2024
commit 8941b05774b1891ca9566eab3cefba17e0f2bbe4
Author: Juergen Spitzmueller <spitz at lyx.org>
Date: Tue Jul 9 15:18:06 2024 +0200
Add support for biblatex-chicago (#12240)
File format change
development/FORMAT | 4 +
lib/Makefile.am | 1 +
lib/citeengines/biblatex-chicago.citeengine | 421 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/doc/UserGuide.lyx | 98 ++++++-
lib/doc/de/UserGuide.lyx | 50 ++++
lib/lyx2lyx/lyx_2_5.py | 172 +++++++++++-
src/BufferParams.cpp | 9 +
src/frontends/qt/GuiDocument.cpp | 40 +--
src/tex2lyx/Preamble.cpp | 25 +-
src/tex2lyx/text.cpp | 56 ++--
src/version.h | 4 +-
11 files changed, 827 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
diff --git a/development/FORMAT b/development/FORMAT
index 5154b0f6de..34149fee02 100644
--- a/development/FORMAT
+++ b/development/FORMAT
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ changes happened in particular if possible. A good example would be
+2024-07-09 Jürgen Spitzmüller <spitz at lyx.org>
+ * Format incremented to 624: Add biblatex-chicago cite engine.
+ We will revert new commands to ERT where necessary
2024-06-11 Udi Fogiel <ufogiel at lyx.org>
* Format incremented to 623: Remove hebrew letter document class.
Old documents will be mapped to regular letter document class.
diff --git a/lib/Makefile.am b/lib/Makefile.am
index 7356b79542..77eff0e3b2 100644
--- a/lib/Makefile.am
+++ b/lib/Makefile.am
@@ -2709,6 +2709,7 @@ citeenginesdir = $(pkgdatadir)/citeengines
dist_citeengines_DATA = \
citeengines/basic.citeengine \
citeengines/biblatex.citeengine \
+ citeengines/biblatex-chicago.citeengine \
citeengines/biblatex-natbib.citeengine \
citeengines/jurabib.citeengine \
diff --git a/lib/citeengines/biblatex-chicago.citeengine b/lib/citeengines/biblatex-chicago.citeengine
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f7c730413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/citeengines/biblatex-chicago.citeengine
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# \DeclareLyXCiteEngine[biblatex-chicago.sty]{Biblatex (Chicago style)}
+# DescriptionBegin
+# This Biblatex variety uses the biblatex-chicago package on top of
+# biblatex to produce citations according to the Chicago Manual of Style.
+# As with normal Biblatex, the use of 'biber' as Bibliography
+# processor is advised.
+# DescriptionEnd
+# Author: Jürgen Spitzmüller <spitz at lyx.org>
+Format 106
+Requires biblatex-chicago
+# The framework (biblatex|bibtex)
+CiteFramework biblatex
+# Cite style variants (default|authoryear|natbib)
+# We provide authoryear and notational citations
+CiteEngineType authoryear|notes
+# Default style files for either engine type
+DefaultBiblio authoryear:authoryear|notes:notes
+# Maximum number of names before "et al." chimes in
+MaxCiteNames 3
+# The syntax of the cite command definitions below is:
+# LyXName|alias*<!_stardesc!_stardesctooltip>[][]=latexcmd
+# * LyXName: The LyX name as output in the LyX file. For
+# portability reasons, we try to use the same
+# name for same-formatted commands in the
+# different engines (thus many names stem from
+# natbib).
+# * Alias: A (comma-separated) list of commands that fall
+# back to the given LyX name in the current engine.
+# This is a bit like "ObsoletedBy" in the layouts.
+# * latexcmd: The actual LaTeX command that is output.
+# Alias and latexcmd are optional. If no latexcmd is given, the
+# LyXName will be output to LaTeX.
+# Note further:
+# * The LyXName "keyonly" has a special meaning: only the citation key,
+# without any latex command, is output.
+# * Capitalization indicates that the command also has a capitalized
+# form (\Latexcmd vs. \latexcmd). These usually enforce upcasing of
+# name prefixes (von Goethe => Von Goethe).
+# * Brackets [] indicate the number of optional arguments (0, 1, 2).
+# * The star * indicates there is a starred version of the command
+# (\latexcmd* vs. \latexcmd). By default, the starred version means:
+# Expand the author list even if the maxnames setting would cause
+# BibTeX/Biber to shorten it with "et al.".
+# If the star has a different meaning for a command, it can be
+# specified in angle brackets: <!_stardesc!_stardesctooltip>.
+# Maximal two translatable macro keywords, marked by the prefix '!_',
+# can be given. The first points to the string that replaces the
+# "Full aut&hor list" checkbox label in the Citation dialog, the
+# second one an optional tooltip for this checkbox. Note that these
+# two macros have to be defined in the CiteFormat section (see below),
+# dropping the '!' from the prefix (see below), e.g.:
+# _stardesc Starred command label
+# _stardesctooltip Tooltip for the starred command checkbox.
+# * A trailing $ indicates that a command features "qualified citation
+# lists" (a specific Biblatex feature)
+# CITE COMMAND DEFINITIONS for either engine type
+CiteEngine authoryear
+ Cite$|citealt,citealp,smartcite[][]
+ Citet$[][]=textcite
+ Gentextcite$[][]
+ Citep$[][]=parencite
+ Citeauthor*<!_citeauthorstar!_citeauthorstartooltip>[][]
+ citeyearpar[][]=parencite*
+ citeyear[][]=cite*
+ citebyear[][]=citeyear
+ Footcite$[][]
+ Autocite$[][]
+ atcite
+ atpcite
+ citetitle*<!_citetitlestar!_citetitlestartooltip>[][]
+ fullcite[][]
+ footfullcite[][]
+ nocite
+ keyonly
+CiteEngine notes
+ cite$|parencite,citep,citealt,citealp*<!_citestar!_citestartooltip>[][]
+ Citet$[][]=textcite
+ Gentextcite$[][]
+ Citep$[][]=parencite
+ Footcite$[][]=smartcite
+ Autocite$[][]
+ Citeauthor*<!_citeauthorstar!_citeauthorstartooltip>[][]
+ citeyear[][]=citeyear*
+ citebyear[][]=citeyear
+ Citetitle$*<!_citetitlestar!_citetitlestartooltip>[][]
+ fullcite[][]
+ shortcite*<!_shortcitestar!_shortcitestartooltip>[][]
+ shortrefcite[][]
+ shorthandcite*<!_shortcitestar!_shortcitestartooltip>[][]
+ shorthandrefcite[][]
+ footfullcite[][]
+ citejournal[][]
+ Headlesscite$[][]
+ headlessfullcite$[][]
+ surnamecite[][]
+ nocite
+ keyonly
+# The following defines how the commands are represented in the GUI
+# (inset button and citation dialog) as well as in XHTML, docbook and
+# plain text output.
+# There are common definitions (default) and specific definitions for
+# either cite engine type (which overwrite existing defaults.
+# Input standard format definitions for the bibliography
+Input stdciteformats.inc
+CiteFormat default
+ #
+ #
+ # 1. Translatable bits (need to be marked by _ prefix, if translated to the GUI language,
+ # or B_, if translated to the buffer language)
+ # Note that preceding and trailing spaces matter.
+ #
+ _notcited not cited
+ _addtobib Add to bibliography only.
+ _keyonly Key only.
+ _key Key
+ _footnote Footnote
+ _foot Foot
+ _fullcite bibliography entry
+ _bibentry Full bibliography entry.
+ _autocite Autocite
+ _auto Auto
+ # GUI strings for the starred commands
+ _citeauthorstar S&horten author list[[Possible substitute to All aut&hors]]
+ _citeauthorstartooltip Force a short author list (using et al.)
+ _citetitlestar F&orce full title[[Possible substitute to All aut&hors]]
+ _citetitlestartooltip Use full title even if shorttitle exists
+ # The following are handled by BiblioInfo
+ B_etal et al.
+ B_namesep , [[separate author names in citation, except for last name]]
+ B_lastnamesep , and [[separate name of last author in citation]]
+ B_pairnamesep and [[separate two authors in citation]]
+ B_gensuffix 's[[genitive suffix for author names]]
+ #
+ # 2. Macros re-used in the style definitions
+ #
+ # A link that lets us jump to the bibliography entry in LyXHTML
+ # %clean:key% will be substituted by the cite key to give a unique id
+ !startlink {!<a href='#LyXCite-%clean:key%'>!}
+ !endlink {!</a>!}
+ # Add " , and " before the last item (but " and " if there are only two), else ", "
+ !smartsep {%second%[[{%next%[[%B_namesep%]][[%B_pairnamesep%]]}]][[{%next%[[%B_namesep%]][[%B_lastnamesep%]]}]]}
+ # A dummy year modifier. This just indicates that a modifier might be output,
+ # to differentiate \cite* and \citeyear
+ !dummymod [a]
+ # "...; Nextauthor ..."
+ !nextauthor {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%!endlink%%!nextauthor%]]}
+ # Handle starred command: abbr. or full author list
+ !makenextauthor {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink%%!makenextauthor%]]}
+ # "...; [NextID] ..."
+ !nextkey {%next%[[%!sep% %key%%!nextkey%]]}
+ # "...; Nextyear ..." (including extra label, as in 2017a)
+ !nextyear {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%]]}
+ # "...; Nextyear ..." (including emulated extra label, as in 2017[a])
+ !nextshmyear {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!shmyear%%!endlink%%!nextshmyear%]]}
+ # "...; Nextyear ..." (without any extra label)
+ !nextbyear {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!byear%%!endlink%%!nextbyear%]]}
+ # "...; Nexttitle ..."
+ !makenexttitle {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!maketitle%%!endlink%%!makenexttitle%]]}
+ # "...; NextKey..."
+ !nextfullcite {%next%[[%!sep% %bibentry%%!nextfullcite%]]}
+ # "Author et al." (if > 3 authors) or "??"
+ !abbrvciteauthor {%abbrvciteauthor%[[%abbrvciteauthor%]][[??]]}
+ # "Author et al." (always) or "??"
+ !forceabbrvciteauthor {%forceabbrvciteauthor%[[%forceabbrvciteauthor%]][[??]]}
+ # Handle starred command: force of abbr. author list, independent of maxcitenames
+ !makeauthor {%ifstar%[[%!forceabbrvciteauthor%]][[%!abbrvciteauthor%]]}
+ # "prenote "
+ !textbefore {%textbefore%[[%textbefore% ]]}
+ # ", postnote"
+ !textafter {%textafter%[[, %textafter%]]}
+ # "prenote " (for qualified lists)
+ !ctextbefore {%curpretext%[[%curpretext% ]]}
+ # ", postnote" (for qualified lists)
+ !ctextafter {%curposttext%[[, %curposttext%]]}
+ # Add a year if it exists (else "??") and possibly a modifier (as in 2017a)
+ !year {%year%[[%year%]][[??]]}{%modifier%[[%modifier%]]}
+ # Add a year if it exists (else "??") and indicate a possible modifier (as in 2017[a])
+ !myear {%year%[[%year%]][[??]]}{%modifier%[[%modifier%]][[{%export%[[]][[%!dummymod%]]}]]}
+ # Add a shorthand if it exists else myear (see above)
+ !shmyear {%shorthand%[[%shorthand%]][[%!myear%]]}
+ # Add a year if it exists (else "??") without any modifier at all
+ !byear {%year%[[%year%]][[??]]}
+ # Add a shorttitle or title if it exists (else "??")
+ !makeshorttitle {%shorttitle%[[%shorttitle%]][[{%title%[[%title%]][[??]]}]]}
+ # Add a title (or "??")
+ !maketitle {%ifstar%[[{%title%[[%title%]][[??]]}]][[%!makeshorttitle%]]}
+ # "cf. Key..."
+ !fullcite %!startlink%%bibentry%%!endlink%%!nextfullcite%
+ #
+ #
+ # (identical in authoryear and numerical)
+ #
+ # "cf. Author; Nextautor, p. xx"
+ citeauthor %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!makeauthor%%!endlink%%!makenextauthor%%!textafter%
+ # "cf. Year; Nextyear, p. xx" (including extra label, as in 2017a)
+ citeyear %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shmyear%%!endlink%%!nextshmyear%%!textafter%
+ # "cf. Year; Nextyear, p. xx" (without any extra label)
+ citebyear %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!byear%%!endlink%%!nextbyear%%!textafter%
+ # "cf. Title; Nexttitle, p. xx" (without any extra label)
+ citetitle %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!maketitle%%!endlink%%!makenexttitle%%!textafter%
+ # "Bibliography entry." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (bibliography entry)" (button)
+ fullcite {%dialog%[[%_bibentry%]][[%!textbefore%{%label%[[%!fullcite%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_fullcite%)]]}%!textafter%}]]}
+ # "Footnote: Full bibliography entry." (dialog) / "Foot: Key (bibliography entry)"
+ footfullcite {%dialog%[[%_footnote%]][[%_foot%]]}: {%dialog%[[%_bibentry%]][[{%label%[[%!fullcite%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_fullcite%)]]}]]}
+ # "Add to bibliography only." (dialog) / "[ID] (not cited)" (button)
+ nocite {%dialog%[[%_addtobib%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_notcited%)]]}
+ # Output only the key
+ keyonly {%dialog%[[%_keyonly%]][[%_key%: %key%%!nextkey%]]}
+CiteFormat authoryear
+ #
+ #
+ !open (
+ !sep ;
+ !close )
+ # "cf. Author et. al Year..."
+ !makecite %!ctextbefore%%!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor% %!year%%!endlink%%!ctextafter%%!nextcite%
+ # Author et al. (cf. Year...
+ !maketextcite {%ifqualified%[[%!textbefore%]]}%!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%!endlink% %!open%{%ifqualified%[[%!ctextbefore%]][[%!textbefore%]]}%!year%%!ctextafter%%!nexttextcite%
+ # Author's et al. (cf. Year...
+ !makegentextcite {%ifqualified%[[%!textbefore%]]}%!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%B_gensuffix%%!endlink% %!open%{%ifqualified%[[%!ctextbefore%]][[%!textbefore%]]}%!year%%!ctextafter%%!nextgentextcite%
+ # "cf. Author et. al Title..."
+ !maketcite %!ctextbefore%%!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%{%title%[[, %title%]]}%!endlink%%!ctextafter%%!nexttcite%
+ # "...; Nextauthor Year..."
+ !nextcite {%next%[[%!sep% %!makecite%]]}
+ # "...; Nextauthor Title..."
+ !nexttcite {%next%[[%!sep% %!maketcite%]]}
+ # "...); Nextauthor (Year..."
+ !nexttextcite {%next%[[%!close%%!smartsep%%!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%!endlink% %!open%%!ctextbefore%%!year%%!ctextafter%%!nexttextcite%]]}
+ # "...); Nextauthor's (Year..."
+ !nextgentextcite {%next%[[%!close%%!smartsep%%!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%B_gensuffix%%!endlink% %!open%%!ctextbefore%%!year%%!ctextafter%%!nexttextcite%]]}
+ # Add a year if it exists (else title, else "??") and possibly a modifier (as in 2017a)
+ !yeartitle {%year%[[%year%{%modifier%[[%modifier%]][[{%export%[[]][[%!dummymod%]]}]]}]][[{%title%[[%title%]][[??]]}]]}
+ # Add a shorthand if it exists, else yeartitle (above)
+ !shyeartitle {%shorthand%[[%shorthand%]][[%!yeartitle%]]}
+ # "...; Shorthand|Nextyear ..." (including extra label, as in 2017a)
+ !nextshyeartitle {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!yeartitle%%!endlink%%!nextshyeartitle%]]}
+ #
+ #
+ # (additions and modifications to default)
+ #
+ # "cf. Author A Year; Author B Year, p. xx"
+ cite %!textbefore%%!makecite%%!textafter%
+ # "cf. Author A (Year),[ and] Author B (Year, p. xx)"
+ citet %!maketextcite%%!textafter%%!close%
+ # "cf. Author A (Year),[ and] Author B (Year, p. xx)"
+ gentextcite %!makegentextcite%%!textafter%%!close%
+ # "(cf. Author A Year; Author B Year, p. xx)"
+ citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!makecite%%!textafter%%!close%
+ # This prints year or title, if year is missing
+ citeyear %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shyeartitle%%!endlink%%!nextshyeartitle%%!textafter%
+ # "(cf. Year; Nextyear, p. xx)"
+ citeyearpar %!open%%!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shmyear%%!endlink%%!nextshmyear%%!textafter%%!close%
+ # "Footnote: cf. Author A Year; Author B Year, p. xx."
+ footcite {%dialog%[[%_footnote%]][[%_foot%]]}: %!textbefore%%!makecite%%!textafter%.
+ # "Auto: (cf. Author A Year; Author B Year, p. xx)"
+ autocite {%dialog%[[%_autocite%]][[%_auto%]]}: %!open%%!textbefore%%!makecite%%!textafter%%!close%
+ # "cf. Author A Title; Author B Title, p. xx"
+ atcite %!textbefore%%!maketcite%%!textafter%
+ # "cf. Author A Title; Author B Title, p. xx"
+ atpcite %!open%%!textbefore%%!maketcite%%!textafter%%!close%
+CiteFormat notes
+ #
+ #
+ # 1. Translatable bits (need to be marked by _ prefix, if translated to the GUI language,
+ # or B_, if translated to the buffer language)
+ #
+ _super Super
+ _superscript Superscript
+ _innote + footnote: full or abbr. bib. entry
+ _facite full or abbr. bib. entry
+ _fabibentry Full or abbreviated bibliography entry.
+ _hlcite full or abbr. bib. entry w/o author
+ _hlbibentry Full or abbreviated bibliography entry without author.
+ _shortcite abbr. bib. entry
+ _scbibentry Abbreviated bibliography entry.
+ _hlfcite full bib. entry w/o author
+ _hlfbibentry Full bibliography entry without author.
+ _sncite full or abbr. bib. entry w/o prenames
+ _snbibentry Full or abbreviated bibliography, omit prenames.
+ _noibid No ibidem tracking
+ _noib No ibid.
+ _citestar No &ibidem tracking[[Possible substitute to All aut&hors]]
+ _citestartooltip Disable ibidem tracking for this entry
+ _shortcitestar No &back reference[[Possible substitute to All aut&hors]]
+ _shortcitestartooltip Disable page tracking for this entry to prevent back references (with option "noteref")
+ _shortrefcite abbr. bib. entry w/ back ref.
+ _shortrefcitedialog Abbreviated bib. entry (enforce back reference)
+ _shorthandrefcite (w/ back ref.)
+ _shorthandrefcitedialog (enforce back reference)
+ _noshorthand ??? (no shorthand!)
+ _nojtitle ??? (no journal title!)
+ #
+ # 2. Macros re-used in the style definitions
+ #
+ !open [
+ !sep ,
+ !close ]
+ # "Full or abbreviated bibliography entry." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (full or abbr. bib. entry)" (button)
+ !makecite {%dialog%[[%_fabibentry%]][[%!textbefore%%key%%!nextkey% (%_facite%)%!textafter%]]}
+ # Author et al. [cf. Year...
+ !maketextcite %!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%!endlink%{%dialog%[[]][[ %!open%%!textbefore%%!ctextbefore%%!year%%!ctextafter%]]}%!nexttextcite%
+ # Author et al.'s (cf. Year...
+ !makegentextcite %!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%B_gensuffix%%!endlink%{%dialog%[[]][[ %!open%%!textbefore%%!ctextbefore%%!year%%!ctextafter%]]}%!nextgentextcite%
+ # "(Full or abbreviated bibliography entry.)" (dialog) / "(cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx [full or abbr. bib. entry])" (button)
+ !makecitep ({%dialog%[[%_fabibentry%]][[%!textbefore%%key%%!nextkey% %!open%%_facite%%!close%%!textafter%]]})
+ #
+ !makejtitle %!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%!endlink%%!sep% {%journal%[[%!emphjournal% X]][[{%journaltitle%[[%!emphjournal% Y]][[%_nojtitle%,]]}{%volume%[[ %volume%]]}]]}%!makenextjtitle%
+ # "Full or abbreviated bibliography entry without author." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (full or abbr. bib. entry w/o author)" (button)
+ !makehlcite {%dialog%[[%_hlbibentry%]][[%!textbefore%%key%%!nextkey% (%_hlcite%)%!textafter%]]}
+ # "Full bibliography entry without author." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (full bib. entry w/o author)" (button)
+ !makehlfcite {%dialog%[[%_hlfbibentry%]][[%!textbefore%%key%%!nextkey% (%_hlfcite%)%!textafter%]]}
+ # "Abbreviated bibliography entry." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (abbr. bib. entry)" (button)
+ !makeshortcite {%dialog%[[%_scbibentry%]][[%!textbefore%%key%%!nextkey% (%_shortcite%)%!textafter%]]}
+ # "Abbreviated bib. entry (enforce back reference)" (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (abbr. bib. entry w/ back ref.)" (button)
+ !makeshortrefcite {%dialog%[[%_shortrefcitedialog%]][[%!textbefore%%key%%!nextkey% (%_shortrefcite%)%!textafter%]]}
+ # Shorthand if available
+ !tryshorthand {%shorthand%[[%shorthand%]][[%_noshorthand%]]}
+ # Shorthand [cf. Year...
+ !makeshorthandcite %!textbefore%%!ctextbefore%%!startlink%%!tryshorthand%%!endlink%%!nextshorthand%
+ # Shorthand [cf. Year...
+ !makeshorthandrefcite %!makeshorthandcite% {%dialog%[[%_shorthandrefcitedialog%]][[%_shorthandrefcite%]]}
+ # "Full or abbreviated bibliography, omit prenames." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (full or abbr. bib. entry w/o prenames)" (button)
+ !makesncite {%dialog%[[%_snbibentry%]][[%!textbefore%%key%%!nextkey% (%_sncite%)%!textafter%]]}
+ # "...); Nextauthor (Year..."
+ !nexttextcite {%next%[[{%dialog%[[]][[%!close%]]}%!smartsep%%!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%!endlink%{%dialog%[[]][[ %!open%%!ctextbefore%%!year%%!ctextafter%]]}%!nexttextcite%]]}
+ # "...); Nextauthor (Year..."
+ !nextgentextcite {%next%[[{%dialog%[[]][[%!close%]]}%!smartsep%%!startlink%%!abbrvciteauthor%%B_gensuffix%%!endlink%{%dialog%[[]][[ %!open%%!ctextbefore%%!year%%!ctextafter%]]}%!nexttextcite%]]}
+ # "...; Nexttitle ..."
+ !makenextjtitle {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!makejtitle%%!endlink%%!makenextjtitle%]]}
+ # "...; NextShorthand..."
+ !nextshorthand {%next%[[%!smartsep%%!ctextbefore%%!startlink%%!tryshorthand%%!endlink%%!ctextafter%%!nextshorthand%]]}
+ #
+ #
+ # (additions and modifications to default)
+ #
+ # "Full or abbreviated bibliography entry." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (full or abbr. bib. entry)" (button)
+ cite %!makecite%
+ # "Author [cf. ...],[ and] Nextauthor [..., p. xx]"
+ citet %!maketextcite%{%dialog%[[ %_innote%]][[%!textafter%%!close%]]}
+ # "Author's [cf. ID],[ and] Nextauthor [NextID, p. xx]"
+ gentextcite %!makegentextcite%{%dialog%[[ %_innote%]][[%!textafter%%!close%]]}
+ # "(Full or abbreviated bibliography entry.)" (dialog) / "(cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx [full or abbr. bib. entry])" (button)
+ citep %!makecitep%
+ # "Footnote: cf. ID, NextID, p. xx."
+ footcite {%dialog%[[%_footnote%]][[%_foot%]]}: %!makecite%
+ # "Auto: (cf. Author A Year; Author B Year, p. xx)"
+ autocite {%dialog%[[%_autocite%]][[%_auto%]]}: %!makecite%
+ # "cf. Author, Journal vol., NextAuthor, ..., p. xx"
+ citejournal %!textbefore%%!makejtitle%%!textafter%
+ # "Full or abbreviated bibliography entry without author." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (full or abbr. bib. entry w/o author)" (button)
+ headlesscite %!makehlcite%
+ # "Full bibliography entry without author." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (full bib. entry w/o author)" (button)
+ headlessfullcite %!makehlfcite%
+ # "Abbreviated bibliography entry." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (abbr. bib. entry)" (button)
+ shortcite %!makeshortcite%
+ # "Shorthand" (dialog) / "cf. Shorthand; NextShorthand..., p. xx" (button)
+ shorthandcite %!makeshorthandcite%
+ # "Abbreviated bib. entry (enforce back reference)" (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (abbr. bib. entry w/ back ref.)" (button)
+ shortrefcite %!makeshortrefcite%
+ # "Shorthand (enforce back reference)" (dialog) / "cf. Shorthand; NextShorthand..., p. xx (abbr. bib. entry w/ back ref.)" (button)
+ shorthandrefcite %!makeshorthandrefcite%
+ # "Full or abbreviated bibliography, omit prenames." (dialog) / "cf. Key; NextKey..., p. xx (full or abbr. bib. entry w/o prenames)" (button)
+ surnamecite %!makesncite%
diff --git a/lib/doc/UserGuide.lyx b/lib/doc/UserGuide.lyx
index a56d1ab182..1bddb09500 100644
--- a/lib/doc/UserGuide.lyx
+++ b/lib/doc/UserGuide.lyx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#LyX 2.5 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/
+#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 620
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ logicalmkup
\docbook_table_output 0
\docbook_mathml_prefix 1
\author -1162675398 "Tobias Hilbricht" hilbricht at linopus.de
+\author -712698321 "Jürgen Spitzmüller"
\author -584632292 "Richard Kimberly Heck"
\author 5863208 "ab"
@@ -9645,12 +9646,14 @@ Verbatim
\begin_layout Verbatim
This is Verbatim.
\begin_layout Verbatim
\align block
The following 2 lines are empty:
@@ -9663,6 +9666,7 @@ The following 2 lines are empty:
\begin_layout Verbatim
Almost everything is allowed in Verbatim:"%&$§#~'`
@@ -9686,6 +9690,7 @@ Verbatim
\begin_layout Verbatim*
This is Verbatim*.
@@ -33547,6 +33552,16 @@ literal "true"
+\change_inserted -712698321 1720530740
+\begin_layout Standard
+\change_inserted -712698321 1720530806
+Note that the Chicago style biblatex mode has built-in citation and bibliography styles which can only be slightly adapted via the bibliography options (please refer to the package manual for details).
\begin_layout Standard
@@ -34013,6 +34028,85 @@ biblatex
\family default
+\change_inserted -712698321 1720530575
+\begin_layout Description
+\change_inserted -712698321 1720530576
+\begin_inset space ~
+\begin_inset space ~
+style) loads the package
+\series bold
+\series default
+\begin_inset Index idx
+range none
+pageformat default
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\change_inserted -712698321 1720530576
+\SpecialChar LaTeX
+ packages
+\begin_inset IndexMacro subentry
+status open
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\change_inserted -712698321 1720530576
+ This is a specific variant particularly for users who want to follow the
+\emph on
+Chicago Manual of Style
+\emph default
+ Both
+\begin_inset Flex Code
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\change_inserted -712698321 1720530576
+ and
+\begin_inset Flex Code
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\change_inserted -712698321 1720530576
+ mode are supported.
\begin_layout Description
@@ -34051,6 +34145,8 @@ Biblatex
\series default
styles are also supported by this variant.
+\change_inserted -712698321 1720530371
\begin_layout Description
diff --git a/lib/doc/de/UserGuide.lyx b/lib/doc/de/UserGuide.lyx
index 991060d7f6..da99830808 100644
--- a/lib/doc/de/UserGuide.lyx
+++ b/lib/doc/de/UserGuide.lyx
@@ -32880,6 +32880,12 @@ literal "true"
+\begin_layout Standard
+Beachten Sie,
+ dass der Chicago-Stil von biblatex fest vorgegebene Zitier- und Bibliographiestile voraussetzt,
+ die nur über die Zitierstil-Optionen leicht angepasst werden können (bitte konsultieren Sie die Paketdokumentation für genauere Informationen).
\begin_layout Standard
Ein Querverweis auf einen Datenbankeintrag erfolgt wie in Abschnitt
\begin_inset space ~
@@ -33371,6 +33377,50 @@ Optionen
+\begin_layout Description
+\begin_inset space ~
+(Chicago-Stil) lädt das Paket
+\series bold
+\series default
+\begin_inset Index idx
+range none
+pageformat default
+status collapsed
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\SpecialChar LaTeX
+\begin_inset IndexMacro subentry
+status open
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+ Dieses bietet eine spezifische Variante für Benutzer,
+ die sich nach dem
+\emph on
+\lang english
+Chicago Manual of Style
+\emph default
+\lang ngerman
+ richten wollen.
+ Sowohl Autor-Jahr als auch Fuß-/Endnoten mit Bibliografie werden unterstützt.
\begin_layout Description
\family sans
diff --git a/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx_2_5.py b/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx_2_5.py
index 144098eabb..be291c5b33 100644
--- a/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx_2_5.py
+++ b/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx_2_5.py
@@ -21,19 +21,29 @@ import re
# Uncomment only what you need to import, please (lyx2lyx_tools):
# convert_info_insets, get_ert, hex2ratio, insert_to_preamble,
-# length_in_bp, lyx2latex, lyx2verbatim, put_cmd_in_ert,
+# length_in_bp, lyx2latex, lyx2verbatim,
# revert_flex_inset, revert_flex_inset, revert_font_attrs,
# revert_language, str2bool
-from lyx2lyx_tools import add_to_preamble, latex_length
+from lyx2lyx_tools import (
+ add_to_preamble,
+ latex_length,
+ put_cmd_in_ert
# Uncomment only what you need to import, please (parser_tools):
# check_token, count_pars_in_inset, del_complete_lines, del_token,
# del_value, find_complete_lines, find_end_of, find_end_of_layout,
# find_re, find_substring, find_token_backwards, find_token_exact,
# find_tokens, get_bool_value, get_containing_inset,
-# get_containing_layout, get_option_value, get_quoted_value,
+# get_containing_layout, get_option_value,
# is_in_inset, set_bool_value
-from parser_tools import find_end_of_inset, find_re, find_token, get_value
+from parser_tools import (
+ find_end_of_inset,
+ find_re,
+ find_token,
+ get_quoted_value,
+ get_value
# Private helper functions
@@ -213,6 +223,158 @@ def convert_he_letter(document):
document.textclass = "letter"
+chicago_local_layout = [
+ "### Inserted by lyx2lyx (biblatex-chicago) ###",
+ "Requires biblatex-chicago",
+ "### End of insertion by lyx2lyx (biblatex-chicago) ###" "",
+def convert_biblatex_chicago(document):
+ """Convert biblatex-chicago documents"""
+ chicago = document.del_local_layout(chicago_local_layout)
+ if not chicago:
+ chicago = document.del_from_header(["Requires biblatex-chicago"])
+ if not chicago:
+ return
+ # 1. Get cite engine
+ engine = "basic"
+ i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine", 0)
+ if i == -1:
+ document.warning("Malformed document! Missing \\cite_engine")
+ else:
+ engine = get_value(document.header, "\\cite_engine", i)
+ # 2. If biblatex set to chicago
+ biblatex = False
+ if engine not in ["biblatex", "biblatex-natbib"]:
+ return
+ document.header[i] = "\\cite_engine biblatex-chicago"
+ i = find_token(document.header, "\\biblio_options", 0)
+ bibopts = ""
+ if i == -1:
+ val = get_value(document.header, "\\biblio_options", i)
+ cetype = "authoryear"
+ if bibopts.find("authordate") == -1:
+ cetype = "notes"
+ # 2. Set cite type
+ i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine_type", 0)
+ if i == -1:
+ document.warning("Malformed document! Missing \\cite_engine_type")
+ else:
+ document.header[i] = "\\cite_engine_type %s" % cetype
+def revert_biblatex_chicago(document):
+ """Revert biblatex-chicago to ERT where necessary"""
+ # 1. Get and reset cite engine
+ engine = "basic"
+ i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine", 0)
+ if i == -1:
+ document.warning("Malformed document! Missing \\cite_engine")
+ else:
+ engine = get_value(document.header, "\\cite_engine", i)
+ document.header[i] = "\\cite_engine biblatex"
+ # 2. Do we use biblatex-chicago?
+ if engine != "biblatex-chicago":
+ return
+ # 3. Set cite type
+ cetype = "authoryear"
+ i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine_type", 0)
+ if i == -1:
+ document.warning("Malformed document! Missing \\cite_engine_type")
+ else:
+ cetype = get_value(document.header, "\\cite_engine_type", i)
+ document.header[i] = "\\cite_engine_type authoryear"
+ # 4. Add authordate option if needed
+ if cetype == "authoryear":
+ i = find_token(document.header, "\\biblio_options", 0)
+ if i != -1:
+ bibopts = get_value(document.header, "\\biblio_options", i)
+ if bibopts.find("authordate") != -1:
+ document.header[i] = "\\biblio_options %s" % bibopts + ", authordate"
+ else:
+ i = find_token(document.header, "\\biblio_style", 0)
+ if i == -1:
+ document.warning("Malformed document! Missing \\biblio_style")
+ else:
+ document.header[i+1:i+1] = ["\\biblio_options authordate"]
+ # 5. Set local layout
+ document.append_local_layout(chicago_local_layout)
+ # 6. Handle special citation commands
+ # Specific citation insets used in biblatex that need to be reverted to ERT
+ new_citations = {
+ "atcite": "atcite",
+ "atpcite": "atpcite",
+ "gentextcite": "gentextcite",
+ "Gentextcite": "Gentextcite",
+ }
+ if cetype == "notes":
+ new_citations = {
+ "citeyear": "citeyear*",
+ "Citetitle": "Citetitle",
+ "Citetitle*": "Citetitle*",
+ "gentextcite": "gentextcite",
+ "Gentextcite": "Gentextcite",
+ "shortcite": "shortcite",
+ "shortcite*": "shortcite*",
+ "shortrefcite": "shortrefcite",
+ "shorthandcite": "shorthandcite",
+ "shorthandcite*": "shorthandcite*",
+ "shorthandrefcite": "shorthandrefcite",
+ "citejournal": "citejournal",
+ "headlesscite": "headlesscite",
+ "Headlesscite": "Headlesscite",
+ "headlessfullcite": "headlessfullcite",
+ "surnamecite": "surnamecite",
+ }
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset citation", i)
+ if i == -1:
+ break
+ j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
+ if j == -1:
+ document.warning("Can't find end of citation inset at line %d!!" % (i))
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ k = find_token(document.body, "LatexCommand", i, j)
+ if k == -1:
+ document.warning("Can't find LatexCommand for citation inset at line %d!" % (i))
+ i = j + 1
+ continue
+ cmd = get_value(document.body, "LatexCommand", k)
+ if cmd in list(new_citations.keys()):
+ pre = get_quoted_value(document.body, "before", i, j)
+ post = get_quoted_value(document.body, "after", i, j)
+ key = get_quoted_value(document.body, "key", i, j)
+ if not key:
+ document.warning("Citation inset at line %d does not have a key!" % (i))
+ key = "???"
+ # Replace known new commands with ERT
+ res = "\\" + new_citations[cmd]
+ if pre:
+ res += "[" + pre + "]"
+ if post:
+ res += "[" + post + "]"
+ elif pre:
+ res += "[]"
+ res += "{" + key + "}"
+ document.body[i : j + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert([res])
+ i = j + 1
# Conversion hub
@@ -222,10 +384,12 @@ convert = [
[621, [convert_url_escapes, convert_url_escapes2]],
[622, []],
[623, [convert_he_letter]],
+ [624, [convert_biblatex_chicago]]
revert = [
+ [623, [revert_biblatex_chicago]],
[622, []],
[621, [revert_glue_parskip]],
[620, [revert_url_escapes2, revert_url_escapes]],
diff --git a/src/BufferParams.cpp b/src/BufferParams.cpp
index 93e2b47ea7..c4493d42ca 100644
--- a/src/BufferParams.cpp
+++ b/src/BufferParams.cpp
@@ -2607,6 +2607,15 @@ bool BufferParams::writeLaTeX(otexstream & os, LaTeXFeatures & features,
+ encodings.fromLyXName(bib_encoding)->latexName();
delim = ",";
+ // biblatex-chicago offers the style options "authordate"
+ // or "authordate-trad". We use "authordate" if none
+ // is given via the options field.
+ if (chicago && citeEngineType() == ENGINE_TYPE_AUTHORYEAR
+ && !contains(biblio_opts, "authordate")) {
+ opts += delim + "authordate";
+ delim = ",";
+ }
if (!biblio_opts.empty())
opts += delim + biblio_opts;
if (!opts.empty())
diff --git a/src/frontends/qt/GuiDocument.cpp b/src/frontends/qt/GuiDocument.cpp
index 6ab5a00c34..08e3fb05ef 100644
--- a/src/frontends/qt/GuiDocument.cpp
+++ b/src/frontends/qt/GuiDocument.cpp
@@ -3157,6 +3157,8 @@ void GuiDocument::checkPossibleCiteEngines()
force_engine = "biblatex";
else if (documentClass().provides("biblatex-natbib"))
force_engine = "biblatex-natbib";
+ else if (documentClass().provides("biblatex-chicago"))
+ force_engine = "biblatex-chicago";
if (!force_engine.empty())
@@ -3217,33 +3219,35 @@ void GuiDocument::citeEngineChanged(int n)
void GuiDocument::updateEngineDependends()
- bool const biblatex = isBiblatex();
- // These are only useful with BibTeX
- biblioModule->defaultBiblioCO->setEnabled(!biblatex);
- biblioModule->bibtexStyleLA->setEnabled(!biblatex);
- biblioModule->resetDefaultBiblioPB->setEnabled(!biblatex);
- biblioModule->bibtopicCB->setEnabled(!biblatex);
- // These are only useful with Biblatex
- biblioModule->biblatexBbxCO->setEnabled(biblatex);
- biblioModule->biblatexBbxLA->setEnabled(biblatex);
- biblioModule->biblatexCbxCO->setEnabled(biblatex);
- biblioModule->biblatexCbxLA->setEnabled(biblatex);
- biblioModule->resetBbxPB->setEnabled(biblatex);
- biblioModule->resetCbxPB->setEnabled(biblatex);
- biblioModule->matchBbxPB->setEnabled(biblatex);
// These are useful with biblatex, jurabib and natbib
QString const engine =
LyXCiteEngine const * ce = theCiteEnginesList[fromqstr(engine)];
- bool const citepack = ce->required("biblatex.sty") || ce->required("jurabib.sty")
+ bool const biblatex = isBiblatex();
+ bool const citepack = biblatex
+ || ce->required("jurabib.sty")
|| ce->required("natbib.sty");
+ // These are only useful with BibTeX
+ biblioModule->defaultBiblioCO->setEnabled(!biblatex);
+ biblioModule->bibtexStyleLA->setEnabled(!biblatex);
+ biblioModule->resetDefaultBiblioPB->setEnabled(!biblatex);
+ biblioModule->bibtopicCB->setEnabled(!biblatex);
+ // These are only useful with Biblatex (but not with
+ // biblatex-chicago or maybe other portmanteau packages)
+ bool const biblatex_pure = biblatex && !ce->required("biblatex-chicago.sty");
+ biblioModule->biblatexBbxCO->setEnabled(biblatex_pure);
+ biblioModule->biblatexBbxLA->setEnabled(biblatex_pure);
+ biblioModule->biblatexCbxCO->setEnabled(biblatex_pure);
+ biblioModule->biblatexCbxLA->setEnabled(biblatex_pure);
+ biblioModule->resetBbxPB->setEnabled(biblatex_pure);
+ biblioModule->resetCbxPB->setEnabled(biblatex_pure);
+ biblioModule->matchBbxPB->setEnabled(biblatex_pure);
diff --git a/src/tex2lyx/Preamble.cpp b/src/tex2lyx/Preamble.cpp
index a774a230a2..8b727028ec 100644
--- a/src/tex2lyx/Preamble.cpp
+++ b/src/tex2lyx/Preamble.cpp
@@ -1806,20 +1806,29 @@ void Preamble::handle_package(Parser &p, string const & name,
h_biblio_options = join(options, ",");
- else if (name == "biblatex") {
+ else if (name == "biblatex" || name == "biblatex-chicago") {
+ bool const chicago = name == "biblatex-chicago";
h_biblio_style = "plainnat";
h_cite_engine = "biblatex";
h_cite_engine_type = "authoryear";
string opt;
- vector<string>::iterator it =
- find(options.begin(), options.end(), "natbib");
- if (it != options.end()) {
- options.erase(it);
- h_cite_engine = "biblatex-natbib";
+ if (chicago) {
+ h_cite_engine = "biblatex-chicago";
+ vector<string>::iterator it =
+ find(options.begin(), options.end(), "authordate");
+ if (it == options.end())
+ h_cite_engine_type = "notes";
} else {
- opt = process_keyval_opt(options, "natbib");
- if (opt == "true")
+ vector<string>::iterator it =
+ find(options.begin(), options.end(), "natbib");
+ if (it != options.end()) {
+ options.erase(it);
h_cite_engine = "biblatex-natbib";
+ } else {
+ opt = process_keyval_opt(options, "natbib");
+ if (opt == "true")
+ h_cite_engine = "biblatex-natbib";
+ }
opt = process_keyval_opt(options, "style");
if (!opt.empty()) {
diff --git a/src/tex2lyx/text.cpp b/src/tex2lyx/text.cpp
index c525de11d4..29d5ac73dc 100644
--- a/src/tex2lyx/text.cpp
+++ b/src/tex2lyx/text.cpp
@@ -217,6 +217,14 @@ char const * const known_biblatex_commands[] = { "cite", "Cite", "textcite", "Te
"supercite", "cites", "Cites", "textcites", "Textcites", "parencites", "Parencites",
"smartcites", "Smartcites", "autocites", "Autocites", 0 };
+ * biblatex-chicago commands.
+ * Known starred forms: \cite*, \citeauthor*, \Citeauthor*, \parencite*, \citetitle*.
+ */
+char const * const known_biblatex_chicago_commands[] = { "atcite", "atpcite", "Citetitle", "gentextcite",
+"Gentextcite", "shortcite", "shortrefcite", "shorthandcite", "shorthandrefcite",
+"citejournal", "headlesscite", "Headlesscite", "headlessfullcite", "surnamecite", 0 };
// Whether we need to insert a bibtex inset in a comment
bool need_commentbib = false;
@@ -3180,7 +3188,9 @@ void parse_text(Parser & p, ostream & os, unsigned flags, bool outer,
&& preamble.citeEngine() != "biblatex-natbib";
bool const use_biblatex_natbib = isProvided("biblatex-natbib")
|| (isProvided("biblatex") && preamble.citeEngine() == "biblatex-natbib");
- need_commentbib = use_biblatex || use_biblatex_natbib;
+ bool const use_biblatex_chicago = isProvided("biblatex-chicago")
+ || (isProvided("biblatex") && preamble.citeEngine() == "biblatex-chicago");
+ need_commentbib = use_biblatex || use_biblatex_natbib || use_biblatex_chicago;
string last_env;
// it is impossible to determine the correct encoding for non-CJK Japanese.
@@ -4683,22 +4693,24 @@ void parse_text(Parser & p, ostream & os, unsigned flags, bool outer,
if ((use_biblatex
- && is_known(t.cs(), known_biblatex_commands)
- && ((t.cs() == "cite"
- || t.cs() == "citeauthor"
- || t.cs() == "Citeauthor"
- || t.cs() == "parencite"
- || t.cs() == "citetitle")
+ && is_known(t.cs(), known_biblatex_commands)
+ && ((t.cs() == "cite"
+ || t.cs() == "citeauthor"
+ || t.cs() == "Citeauthor"
+ || t.cs() == "parencite"
+ || t.cs() == "citetitle")
|| p.next_token().asInput() != "*"))
- || (use_biblatex_natbib
- && (is_known(t.cs(), known_biblatex_commands)
- || is_known(t.cs(), known_natbib_commands))
- && ((t.cs() == "cite" || t.cs() == "citet" || t.cs() == "Citet"
- || t.cs() == "citep" || t.cs() == "Citep" || t.cs() == "citealt"
- || t.cs() == "Citealt" || t.cs() == "citealp" || t.cs() == "Citealp"
- || t.cs() == "citeauthor" || t.cs() == "Citeauthor"
- || t.cs() == "parencite" || t.cs() == "citetitle")
- || p.next_token().asInput() != "*"))){
+ || (use_biblatex_natbib
+ && (is_known(t.cs(), known_biblatex_commands)
+ || is_known(t.cs(), known_natbib_commands))
+ && ((t.cs() == "cite" || t.cs() == "citet" || t.cs() == "Citet"
+ || t.cs() == "Citealt" || t.cs() == "citealp" || t.cs() == "Citealp"
+ || t.cs() == "citeauthor" || t.cs() == "Citeauthor"
+ || t.cs() == "parencite" || t.cs() == "citetitle")
+ || p.next_token().asInput() != "*"))
+ || (use_biblatex_chicago
+ && (is_known(t.cs(), known_biblatex_commands)
+ || is_known(t.cs(), known_biblatex_chicago_commands)))){
string command = t.cs();
if (p.next_token().asInput() == "*") {
@@ -4856,10 +4868,14 @@ void parse_text(Parser & p, ostream & os, unsigned flags, bool outer,
// Need to set the cite engine if biblatex is loaded by
// the document class directly
- if (preamble.citeEngine() == "basic")
- use_biblatex_natbib ?
- preamble.citeEngine("biblatex-natbib")
- : preamble.citeEngine("biblatex");
+ if (preamble.citeEngine() == "basic") {
+ if (use_biblatex_natbib)
+ preamble.citeEngine("biblatex-natbib");
+ else if (use_biblatex_chicago)
+ preamble.citeEngine("biblatex-chicago");
+ else
+ preamble.citeEngine("biblatex");
+ }
diff --git a/src/version.h b/src/version.h
index c26561a6d5..8cc6144718 100644
--- a/src/version.h
+++ b/src/version.h
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ extern char const * const lyx_version_info;
// Do not remove the comment below, so we get merge conflict in
// independent branches. Instead add your own.
-#define LYX_FORMAT_LYX 623 // ufogiel: remove hebrew letter
-#define LYX_FORMAT_TEX2LYX 623
+#define LYX_FORMAT_LYX 624 // spitz: support biblatex-chicago
+#define LYX_FORMAT_TEX2LYX 624
#ifndef _MSC_VER
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