[LyX/master] winbuild include python3

Eugene Chornyi yu_jin at lyx.org
Sat Mar 18 10:07:08 UTC 2023

commit 1d0ab7a2748d422f97efc96d98a3eba779cdb9e8
Author: Eugene Chornyi <yu_jin at lyx.org>
Date:   Sat Mar 18 12:10:44 2023 +0100

    winbuild include python3
 development/Win32/packaging/installer/Readme.txt   |   18 +++++++++---------
 development/Win32/packaging/installer/src/main.nsh |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/development/Win32/packaging/installer/Readme.txt b/development/Win32/packaging/installer/Readme.txt
index 8875446..1f7f33b 100644
--- a/development/Win32/packaging/installer/Readme.txt
+++ b/development/Win32/packaging/installer/Readme.txt
@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ Updating dependencies
   to %%dependencies%%\ghostscript.
 - Python
-  download the latest Python 2 release for windows from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ (32 or 64 bit),
-  current version is 2.7.17
-  Install it or extract with a tool named lessmsi. If you install it, you will have to find python27.dll in the 
-  Windows\System32 folder. 64-bit dlls on a 64-bit windows are stored in Windows\System32 folder, 32-bit dlls on a 64-bit windows
-  are stored in Windows\SysWOW64. Copy this python27.dll to %%dependencies%%\Python, from the python installation folder copy
-  all files and "DLLs", "Lib" and "libs" subfolders to %%dependencies%%\Python. You can uninstall python afterwards.
-  If you extracted with lessmsi, you will also get visual studio runtime dlls and some executables, which are used during installation,
-  these are not needed. Copy the 2 python executables, the python dll, the 3 textfiles (license, news and readme) and the "DLLs",
-  "Lib" and "libs" subfolders to %%dependencies%%\Python.
+  download the latest Python 3 release for windows from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ (embeddable package 64 bit),
+  current version is 3.11.2
+  Extract it and copy to %%dependencies%%\Python.
+  open python3XX._pth file with a text editor, uncomment the "import site" line
+  add following paths after the 2 already existing paths ('.' and python311.zip)
+    ./Scripts
+    ../Resources
+    ../Resources/lyx2lyx
+    ../Resources/scripts
 - Visual Studio runtime
   Download the latest Visual C++ Redistributable (if you still haven't), the version should match with your VS C++ compiler
diff --git a/development/Win32/packaging/installer/src/main.nsh b/development/Win32/packaging/installer/src/main.nsh
index d6140ba..b371386 100644
--- a/development/Win32/packaging/installer/src/main.nsh
+++ b/development/Win32/packaging/installer/src/main.nsh
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ Section -CompilePython
 Section -LyxrcDist
-  StrCpy $pathPrefix "$LatexPath;$$LyXDir\bin;$$LyXDir\Python;$$LyXDir\Python\Lib;$$LyXDir\imagemagick;$$LyXDir\ghostscript\bin"
+  StrCpy $pathPrefix "$LatexPath;$$LyXDir\bin;$$LyXDir\Python;$$LyXDir\Python\Lib;$$LyXDir\Python\Scripts;$$LyXDir\imagemagick;$$LyXDir\ghostscript\bin"
   # Find additional software and add their install locations to the path_prefix
   # This list contains all software, which write the string value "InstallLocation" in their corresponding keys in "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

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