[LyX/master] New Theorems Module. Contributed by Udicoudco <udifoglle at gmail.com> on the mailing list. Rebased on top of master.

Thibaut Cuvelier tcuvelier at lyx.org
Fri Dec 30 23:59:42 UTC 2022

commit 42c2a25fb873727d87ce753b3a3ac4e913e36fe0
Author: Thibaut Cuvelier <tcuvelier at lyx.org>
Date:   Sat Dec 31 01:47:37 2022 +0100

    New Theorems Module. Contributed by 	Udicoudco <udifoglle at gmail.com> on the mailing list. Rebased on top of master.
    	I've modified all the non-AMS theorem modules so they would be independent of packages. currently
    	the code support \theoremstyle, but only with definition, plain and remark.
    	I'v added a new theorem module that support the thmtools \listoftheorems.
    	I've modified the syntax of all theorem modules, such that it would be easier to
    	create a new one, or maintaining the ones that exists. Instead of using \newtheorem
    	in the preamble of a lyaout, I wrote \lyx at newtheorem, and in each module I've defiened
    	\lyx at newtheorem as fitted. This way, there is only need in the files thorems-base, and theorems-extended,
    	instead of an .inc file for each module.
    	I've added theorems-labels.inc, a file that suppose to be included in a "Numbered by type" module,
    	to change the Label and the LabelCounter of the layouts in theorems-base.inc.
    	Note that in this configuration, all non-AMS modules will clash with the AMS ones, and so as the
    	proof versions. theorems-proof-std.inc suppose to be in the non-AMS while theorems-proof.inc
    	should be included only in AMS variants.

 autotests/export/docbook/theorems-thmtools.lyx     |  624 ++++++++++++++
 autotests/export/docbook/theorems-thmtools.xml     |  128 +++
 lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.inc                |  364 ---------
 lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.module             |   25 +-
 lib/layouts/theorems-ams-chap-bytype.inc           |  459 -----------
 lib/layouts/theorems-ams-chap-bytype.module        |   26 +-
 lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module    |  453 +-----------
 .../theorems-ams-extended-chap-bytype.module       |  536 +------------
 lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module           |  445 +----------
 lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc                       |  352 --------
 lib/layouts/theorems-ams.module                    |   17 +-
 lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.inc                    |  359 --------
 lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.module                 |   67 ++-
 lib/layouts/theorems-case.inc                      |  134 ++--
 lib/layouts/theorems-chap-bytype.module            |  193 ++----
 lib/layouts/theorems-chap.module                   |   49 +-
 lib/layouts/theorems-extended.inc                  |  466 +++++++++++
 lib/layouts/theorems-labels.inc                    |  136 ++++
 lib/layouts/theorems-named.module                  |   72 +-
 lib/layouts/theorems-order.inc                     |   83 --
 lib/layouts/theorems-proof-std.inc                 |   69 ++-
 lib/layouts/theorems-proof.inc                     |   15 +-
 lib/layouts/theorems-sec-bytype.module             |  145 ++---
 lib/layouts/theorems-sec.module                    |   49 ++-
 lib/layouts/theorems-starred-equivalents.inc       |   88 --
 lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc                   |  345 --------
 lib/layouts/theorems-starred.module                |   16 -
 lib/layouts/theorems-std.module                    |   47 +-
 lib/layouts/theorems-thmtools.module               |  852 ++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/layouts/theorems.inc                           |  366 ++++++++-
 30 files changed, 3061 insertions(+), 3919 deletions(-)

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