[LyX/master] Insert short entries for Extra Font Sizes, Hebrew and Japanese document classes in Chapter 3 Document Classes of Additional.lyx

Pavel Sanda sanda at lyx.org
Sun Dec 18 16:52:01 UTC 2022

commit 8eb8a9d2fd8a1d4521f2639e80a8fbd954271606
Author: John R Hudson <j.r.hudson at virginmedia.com>
Date:   Sun Dec 18 17:07:55 2022 +0000

    Insert short entries for Extra Font Sizes, Hebrew and Japanese document classes in Chapter 3 Document Classes of Additional.lyx
 lib/doc/Additional.lyx |  223 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/doc/Additional.lyx b/lib/doc/Additional.lyx
index 8cb138d..7656cb2 100644
--- a/lib/doc/Additional.lyx
+++ b/lib/doc/Additional.lyx
@@ -2868,6 +2868,229 @@ In addition, the AMS classes automatically provide the AMS \SpecialChar LaTeX
 \begin_layout Subsection
+\change_inserted 564990737 1671383236
+\lang american
+\begin_inset CommandInset label
+LatexCommand label
+name "subsec:Extra-font-sizes"
+Extra font sizes
+\begin_layout Standard
+\change_inserted 564990737 1671383236
+\lang american
+The “Extra font sizes” collection provides the document classes 
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(with extra font sizes)
+\family default
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(with extra font sizes)
+\family default
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(with extra font sizes)
+\family default
+ and 
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(with extra font sizes)
+\family default
+ which use the 
+\family typewriter
+\family default
+\family typewriter
+\family default
+\family typewriter
+\family default
+ and 
+\family typewriter
+\family default
+ document classes respectively but offer the additional 
+\family sans
+\bar under
+\bar default
+\begin_inset space ~
+\family default
+ options 8, 9, 14, 17 and 20 in the 
+\family sans
+\bar under
+\bar default
+ocument\SpecialChar menuseparator
+\bar under
+\bar default
+ettings\SpecialChar menuseparator
+\family default
+ dialog.
+\begin_layout Subsection
+\change_inserted 564990737 1671383236
+\lang american
+\begin_layout Standard
+\change_inserted 564990737 1671383236
+\lang american
+The document classes 
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+\family default
+ and 
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+\family default
+ use the 
+\family typewriter
+\family sans
+\family default
+ and 
+\family typewriter
+\family default
+ document classes to facilitate the use of Hebrew in \SpecialChar LyX
+\begin_layout Subsection
+\change_inserted 564990737 1671383236
+\lang american
+\begin_inset CommandInset label
+LatexCommand label
+name "subsec:Japanese"
+\begin_layout Standard
+\change_inserted 564990737 1671383236
+\lang american
+The document classes 
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(Japanese JS Class)
+\family default
+\family sans
+ article
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(Japanese Standard Class Vertical Writing)
+\family default
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(Japanese Standard Class)
+\family default
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(Japanese JS Class)
+\family default
+\family sans
+ book
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(Japanese Standard Class Vertical Writing)
+\family default
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(Japanese Standard Class)
+\family default
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(Japanese Vertical Writing)
+\family default
+ and 
+\family sans
+\begin_inset space \thinspace{}
+(Japanese Standard Class)
+\family default
+ provide document classes for the Japanese language.
+\begin_layout Subsection

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