[LyX/master] DocBook: for MathML, refactor InsetMathScript::mathmlize to improve readability and lower redundancy.

Thibaut Cuvelier tcuvelier at lyx.org
Tue May 25 01:44:58 UTC 2021

commit 5eddfe509b3c6e5e78d8e3253b2b07edb2a2d91f
Author: Thibaut Cuvelier <tcuvelier at lyx.org>
Date:   Tue May 25 03:21:21 2021 +0200

    DocBook: for MathML, refactor InsetMathScript::mathmlize to improve readability and lower redundancy.
 src/mathed/InsetMathScript.cpp |   31 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mathed/InsetMathScript.cpp b/src/mathed/InsetMathScript.cpp
index 919c0b9..831bc79 100644
--- a/src/mathed/InsetMathScript.cpp
+++ b/src/mathed/InsetMathScript.cpp
@@ -606,31 +606,32 @@ void InsetMathScript::mathmlize(MathMLStream & ms) const
 	bool d = hasDown() && !down().empty();
 	bool u = hasUp() && !up().empty();
-	// FIXME: the MathMLStream should be able to give us this information
-	bool l = has_limits_;
+	// FIXME: the MathMLStream should be able to give us has_limits_
+	if (!d && !u)
+		return;
+	const char * tag;
 	if (u && d)
-		ms << MTag(l ? "munderover" : "msubsup");
+		tag = has_limits_ ? "munderover" : "msubsup";
 	else if (u)
-		ms << MTag(l ? "mover" : "msup");
+		tag = has_limits_ ? "mover" : "msup";
 	else if (d)
-		ms << MTag(l ? "munder" : "msub");
+		tag = has_limits_ ? "munder" : "msub";
+	ms << MTag(tag);
 	if (!nuc().empty())
 		ms << nuc();
 		ms << "<" << from_ascii(ms.namespacedTag("mrow")) << " />";
-	if (u && d)
-		ms << MTag("mrow") << down() << ETag("mrow")
-		   << MTag("mrow") << up() << ETag("mrow")
-		   << ETag(l ? "munderover" : "msubsup");
-	else if (u)
-		ms << MTag("mrow") << up() << ETag("mrow")
-		   << ETag(l ? "mover" : "msup");
-	else if (d)
-		ms << MTag("mrow") << down() << ETag("mrow")
-		   << ETag(l ? "munder" : "msub");
+	if (d)
+		ms << MTag("mrow") << down() << ETag("mrow");
+	if (u)
+		ms << MTag("mrow") << up() << ETag("mrow");
+	ms << ETag(tag);

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