KOMA-Script letter 2 for invoices

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sat Feb 1 19:04:11 UTC 2020

On Sat, 1 Feb 2020, Rich Shepard wrote:

> I just updated the scrguien PDF to the 2019-10-10 version and will read
> Section 4.21. I may be back with specific questions for you.


I've read Section 4.21 of the latest KOMA-Script manual and I'm still lost.
I understand the overall idea but not the details of implementation.

In my documents/templates/ directory I have three files: aesllc-invoice.lco,
aesllc-invoice.lyx, and invoice-template.lyx; the latter is what I've been
using and which I want to add the EIN number. The three files are in the
attached compressed tarball.

In the invoice-template.lyx file do I specify 'aesllc-invoice' as a custom
class option or somehow un-grey the predefined class option radiobutton?

What affect does aesllc-invoice.lyx/.lco have on invoice-template.lyx?

I'm looking forward to learning how to use .lco files.

Best regards,

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