Footnote rule appears where not wanted

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Wed Nov 13 01:42:13 UTC 2019

On 11/11/19 4:06 PM, Richard Opheim wrote:
> I have a strange problem with footnote rules that appear when there is
> no footnote beneath them. This happens when there is a footnote in the
> left-hand column on a two-column page and a figure in the right-hand
> column. This causes a footnote rule to appear at the bottom of the
> following page, even if it's not a multicol page. (Please see attached
> example.) The unwanted rule disappears if the figure on the previous
> page is deleted.
> My question is does anyone know of a way I can have the footnote and
> the figure without the unwanted rule?

I'd ask this on the LaTeX stack exchange site. Or on comp.text.tex. It's
very much a LaTeX issue, and some guru will know the answer. (I do
believe I've heard of this problem actually.)


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