Large delimiters, multiline equations

Joel Kulesza jkulesza at
Sat Jan 23 00:40:51 UTC 2021

On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 2:40 PM Paul A. Rubin <parubin73 at> wrote:

> On 1/22/21 3:24 PM, Joel Kulesza wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 12:09 Paul A. Rubin <parubin73 at> wrote:
>> On 1/22/21 1:06 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
>> > On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 11:26 AM Joel Kulesza <jkulesza at>
>> wrote:
>> >> On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 6:29 AM Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at>
>> wrote:
>> >>> I have an equation that has to be split (to fit into beamer
>> >>> presentation).  It has large delimiters that span the lines.  Does lyx
>> >>> have any facility to help with this?  I did get a useable result, but
>> >>> only with a lot of ERT.  Lyx seems not helpful here, is there any way
>> >>> other than ERT to get "\Biggl. ... \Biggr]"?  Or "\right."?
>> >>>
>> >>> Here is what I wanted:
>> >>>
>> >>> \begin{multline*}
>> >>>
>> >>> \mathbf{X}_{N_{C}\times S\times
>> >>>
>> A}=\left[\left[\left[\sum_{n}m1_{p+cL_{c}+nS}m2_{p+cL_{c}+(n+\tau)S}^{*}\right.\right.\right.,\\
>> >>>
>> >>> \Biggl.\Biggl.\Biggl.\tau\in[-A/2\dots A/2]\Biggr],p\in[0\dots
>> >>> S-1]\Biggr],c\in[0\dots N_{c}-1]\Biggr]
>> >>>
>> >>> \end{multline*}
>> >>
>> >> To accomplish this, I prefer to use the Insert Delimiters capability
>> (the subject of an adjacent thread).  Using "none" will let you give the
>> appearance of matched delimiters that vertically scale to contain the
>> contents.  The "Swap & Reverse" button is meant as a convenience to control
>> delimiter insertion in this manner.  Finally, if you have lines that vary
>> in vertical extent, a vertical phantom (\vphantom) with the proper contents
>> will ensure consistent delimiter sizes.
>> >>
>> >> Hope this helps,
>> >> Joel
>> > Thanks for the reply.  I can't see how to do this.  Inserting
>> > Delimiters seems to insist on inserting a pair of delimiters - I don't
>> > see any way to just get \left[ for example.
>> I've attached three screenshots. The first (shot1.png) shows LyX open
>> with a new document, containing two copies of your example. The first
>> copy is pasted into an ERT box (so that I can see what you are shooting
>> for). The second has most of your example, but not the nested brackets,
>> typed into a multiline math environment. The first line of the multiline
>> formula is selected, so that I can put a left bracket in front of it.
>> The second screenshot shows the delimiter insertion dialog. Note that I
>> unchecked the "keep matched" box below the left pane, then selected a
>> left bracket in the left pane and "(None)" in the right pane.
>> The third screenshot shows the formula after I click "Insert" in the
>> delimiter dialog. There is a large left bracket at the start of the
>> first line and "phantom" bracked (dotted line) at the end of the first
>> line. To insert other brackets, do similar things, selecting the content
>> of the bracketed area and where appropriate selecting none on the left
>> and a closing bracket on the right.
> Paul,
> Thanks for picking up the thread!  If you provide the LyX file for shot3,
> I’ll demonstrate what I meant about vphantom.
> Thanks again,
> Joel
> Joel,
> Happy to help on the thread. Here's the file for shot 3.
> Paul
> Thanks Paul!

Please see attached for how I use vphantom—it's not pretty in LyX, but it
works well in the final PDF.

Note: I did/saved this with 2.4.0a1.

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