LyX acting differently between computers

David Chan david.c.chan at
Tue Oct 27 21:01:46 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I noticed that LyX was acting differently between computers and am trying
to figure out the source of this issue.

One computer cannot compile a file that uses biblatex with the apa
bibliography style, while the other two computers can. Also, the first
computer compiles lines slightly differently so that a paper compiles to
110 pages, while on the other two computers, the paper compiles to 109

The first computer initially had an older version of LyX, 2.3.0 (February
24, 2018), but when I updated it to the newest version, LyX (June
25, 2020), the problem persists. I also found the version that matches the
other computers in the archive, LyX 2.3.1-1, and the problem persists with
this as well.

When I checked the preferences on LyX on each of the computers, the first
one differs by not having `pdflatex` as an option under Preferences > File
Handling > File Formats > Default Output Formats, whereas this option
exists on the other computers. I am unable to find the `pdflatex` option on
the first computer regardless of the version of LyX.

The next thing that I did was to reinstall MikTeX on the first computer.
This did not seem to resolve the problem, although it seems to have caused
errors in compilation ("undefined control sequence", "Missing number,
treated as zero", and "Missing glyphs!").

Can someone please help me troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance,
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