Instant previews not showing

Andrew Parsloe ajparsloe at
Wed Apr 15 08:38:40 UTC 2020

On 15/04/2020 8:21 pm, Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to see why instant previews fail to generate?
> I have a document that compiles fine but the instant previews in it 
> don't. In other documents the previews just work fine. So, there must 
> be a particular problem with this one (which is a child of a master 
> document).
> Best,
> Daniel
Look at the log in the temporary directory? Because I often stretch what 
preview was designed for, I get this kind of problem every now and again 
and the preview log is nearly always helpful. (It's usually in 
lyx_tmpbuf0 although with a child document that may not be the case.) 
Previews are featured near the end of the log. The latex error message 
usually allows the particular preview causing the problem to be identified.


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