[LyX/master] Start reporting missing citations and broken references in LaTeX build.

Jürgen Spitzmüller spitz at lyx.org
Sat Mar 14 10:20:11 UTC 2020

Am Samstag, den 14.03.2020, 10:04 +0100 schrieb Daniel:
> Great. (Just for reference: This was part of the suggestions of the
> rest 
> of my post.) I think that would be helpful.

I know. I just cut it for readability.

> However, depending on how large the document and how many sub-
> documents 
> there are, it might still be asking too much that the user should
> scroll 
> through all those documents. So, some kind of comprehensive
> reporting 
> could still be helpful.

How about a dedicated outliner entry "Broken citations and references"?
This would be easiest to implement, and it would give you both a quick
report and the possibility to navigate to the broken insets quickly.

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