Registry handling on windows (installer)

Daniel xracoonx at
Fri Mar 6 20:24:11 UTC 2020

On 2020-03-06 19:53, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> There is something I have always wondered here, but never really 
> understood. Why do WE end to install ImageMagick? Why can't we just have 
> the user install it, like we do on other platforms, and then detect it 
> via the registry, if that's what we need to do? If we were going to use 
> for fix broken dependencies then we can just use it to 
> detect them in the first place, no? There is the issue that any 
> installed ImageMagick will be bigger than what we ship. But the huge 
> benefit is that, if there's a security issue with ImageMagick (as there 
> sometimes is), we don't have to issue a new LyX installer to fix it.
> I'd ask the same questions about Ghostscript and Python.
> Riki

I guess the difference is that there is no package manager on Windows 
(and on macOS?). And installing ImageMagick youself seems a bit daunting:


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