[LyX/master] Mark insets with invalid buffer() in red in devel-mode.

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at lyx.org
Wed Oct 23 14:05:11 UTC 2019

Le 22/10/2019 à 03:33, Richard Kimberly Heck a écrit :
> Only one way to find out...
> More seriously, I think we /shoudn't/ be doing anything that accesses 
> buffer() before then, though there are some cases where we do. I think 
> there is such a case in the cut and paste code, though I'm not sure.

What I learnt by implementing proper painting mechanism is that paint 
event can happen at any point. For the same reason, I fear that buffer 
access can happen at weird times.

Don't get me wrong: you solution would be my preferred one if we foud a 
100% foolproof place to  put it.

I would propose two other solutions:

1/ the opposite of yours
  * add assertion on Inset::isBufferValid() in updateBuffer to maximise 
assertions (or just use
    my red painting)
  * remove the setBuffer statements that are here just because we think 
they may help
  * track all the places where insets are actually inserted in buffers 
and make sure the inset's buffer is set. To this end:
      + add Buffer* parameter to all Inset constructors (maybe not math, 
see next point), and set if to non 0 when possible
     + for each place where buffer is not set, go up in the call graph 
to the first place where it
        can be done and set it there.

2/ try to investigate whether we could get rid of this buffer() method. 
This would force to add BufferParams or Buffer argument to methods, but 
we already have a lot of these that could be remove if we go all the way 
in the 'buffer()' direction.


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