Preamble section patch

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Mon Sep 28 20:57:51 UTC 2020

On 9/27/20 12:40 PM, Lorenzo Bertini wrote:
>> Can you give more details on what you mean by "far from perfect"?
> Yes, sorry! The thing I'm not happy with is that patch makes it so the
> HTML preamble gets stored in a new bufferParams docstring, but it
> doesn't get checked for illegal characters and it's "brutally" printed
> in writeHTMLSource in buffer.cpp, while the LaTeX preamble string
> undergoes more processing in writeLaTeX in BufferParams.cpp and
> writeLaTeXSource in Buffer.cpp.
> I wish I could dig deeper on LaTeX and LyXHTML outputting, but I feel
> like this is too hard of a start. Ill pick something easier next time.

What would really help here is a concrete example, and then I could
probably fix this issue. So can you create a file with the new preamble
that might cause a problem so we can see exactly what it is?


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