display of $int...$ under QT5

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at lyx.org
Fri Sep 4 16:10:43 UTC 2020

On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 05:57:47PM +0200, M.B. Schiekel wrote:
> Am 24.08.20 um 18:02 schrieb Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:
> > Hi Bernhart,
> > 
> > As you see, I moved the discussion to lyx-devel, please try to keep it
> > here and I'll try to keep you in Cc:.
> > ...
> Dear friends,
> due to Jean-Marcs invitation I came to the LyX-developer-list with my
> $int...$ problem. I've learned, that LyX is not only a wonderful program
> for me as a mathematical physicist, but that it's also a very lively and
> dedicated community of developers! So before leaving lyx-devel and going
> back to lyx-users I want to say *thank all of you very much!*
> Jean-Marc, Pavel, Kornel, Enrico, Cor, José, Riki - and all the others -
> may you all stay healthy and happy, and still have fun in creating
> helpful toys.
> Sincerely bernhard

Thanks for the kinds words about the LyX group, Bernhard! It is good to

Since you are one of the few LyX users that is able to compile LyX, if
you feel like living a bit dangerously, might you be interested in
testing the development version of LyX? This would help us find
regressions before we release. We can give you more information if you
might be interested. There are reasons _not_ to do it, and I am
expecting you to decline, but I ask just in case. If you are by chance
interested, we can give you more information on which development
version to test (2.3.x or master) and the risks associated with each.

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