Assertion in GuiFontLoader when doing undo on master after "replace all"

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at
Thu Nov 26 09:54:38 UTC 2020

Le 25/11/2020 à 15:40, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :
> While experimenting with undo/redo after a "replace all" with Advanced
> find, I received an assertion. I think the cursor was in the "Find" work
> area. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce. The assertion and terminal (not
> GDB) backtrace is attached.
> Scott

The only assertion I see related to GuiFontLOader::metrics is this:

// Get font info (font + metrics) for the given LyX font.
// if not cached, create it.
GuiFontInfo & fontinfo(FontInfo const & f)
     bool const fontIsRealized =
             ( < NUM_FAMILIES) &&
             (f.series() < NUM_SERIES) &&
             (f.realShape() < NUM_SHAPE) &&
             (f.size() < NUM_SIZE);
     if (!fontIsRealized) {
         // We can reset the font to something sensible in release mode.
         LYXERR0("Unrealized font!");

It seems that an unrealized font is used somewhere (we would be sure if 
the LYXERR0 was before the assertion).


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