[PATCH] Add support for HiDpi screens

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at lyx.org
Mon Jul 27 16:08:02 UTC 2020

Le 27 juillet 2020 15:35:54 GMT+02:00, Daniel <xracoonx at gmx.de> a écrit :
>On 27/7/20 15:33, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> Le 27 juillet 2020 15:28:07 GMT+02:00, Daniel <xracoonx at gmx.de> a
>écrit :
>>> In any case, several UI elements don't scale properly without Qt
>>> support, e.g. the layout dropdown list in the toolbar. So, native
>>> support would be much appreciated.
>> What is is that? Windows?
>Sorry, yes it's Windows. Mac seems to be fine. I guess because HiDPI is
>more common and better implemented in the latter.

Thanks for testing.


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