All layouts icons look like Default

Daniel xracoonx at
Sat Jul 25 05:14:08 UTC 2020

On 2020-07-25 07:06, Daniel wrote:
> On 2020-07-21 21:05, racoon wrote:
>> On 2020-07-21 21:04, Stephan Witt wrote:
>>> Am 21.07.2020 um 06:31 schrieb Daniel <xracoonx at
>>> <mailto:xracoonx at>>:
>>>> In my copy of master all layout icons look like the Default icon.
>>>> Anyone else seeing this (attached)?
>>>> Daniel
>>>> <Screenshot 2020-07-21 at 06.30.14.png>—
>>> No, not on my system.
>>> Stephan
>> Thanks. Okay, maybe I just got a bad egg then. I'll try to update via 
>> git.
>> Daniel
> Okay, I figured out what the problem is. My locally changed ui files 
> were moved from 2.3 to the 2.4dev version. These contain the "old" 
> non-toggle layout functions, e.g. "layout Enumerate", instead of the new 
> toggle layout functions, e.g. "layout-toggle Enumerate". However, the 
> toolbar images have been renamed so that the old functions don't get the 
> proper images anymore. I guess it would be good to still use the images 
> for the old functions as well. And maybe automatically change the old 
> non-toggle functions to the new toggle ones when transferring the old 
> local ui files.
> Daniel

(Or the layout function could be extended with a parameter, e.g. "layout 
Enumerate toggle", instead of changing it's name?)

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