Compiling and using master on macOS

Stephan Witt st.witt at
Thu Jul 16 04:46:20 UTC 2020

Am 16.07.2020 um 02:10 schrieb Daniel <daniel.ramoeller at>:
> On 2020-07-15 22:45, Stephan Witt wrote:
>> The download area for Qt sources is here:
> You listed:
> qt-5.9.9-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64  (QTDIR for 5.9.9)
> qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.9 (source)
> I found the sources at
> qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.9.tar.xz
> But I found nothing that resembles the QTDIR for 5.9.9, i.e. qt-5.9.9-frameworks-cocoa-x86_64.

Yes, of course. It’s created by the install step of the Qt build from source.

The script I’m using contains the Qt build as sub function build_qt(). Basically it contains two steps:

1. configure and build Qt from source
2. create and or fill the include directory with the missing links

I decided to do it that way because this structure is working with the LyX structure.


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