Compiling in C++20 mode

Yuriy Skalko yuriy.skalko at
Tue Dec 29 20:37:15 UTC 2020

> Thanks, Yuriy. I now get the following error with GCC:
> /home/vbox/lyxbuilds/master-clang/repo/src/Buffer.cpp:1774:27: error: use of 
> deleted function ‘std::basic_ostream<char, _Traits>& 
> std::operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char, _Traits>&, wchar_t) [with _Traits = 
> std::char_traits<char>]’
>  1774 |   oss << "0x" << hex << e.failed_char << dec;
>       |                           ^~~~~~~~~~~
> Scott

It is the same error, we need static_cast<uint32_t>(...) here too. If 
you'll add option "-k0" when doing build, then we'll be able to see all 
such errors at once and not one by one.


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